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As the guards pulled me back to the temple I seen everyone that we came with on this expansion have their weapons out and being way out of character.

I watched as Milo and Kida be forced into the temple as well by Rourke.

I broke away from the guards and ran to my brother. I pushed Rourke away from him and hugged him.

"Milo! Are you okay?! What's going on," I said to both Rourke and my brother.

"Ms. Thatch, thank you for joining us. You see there's more to book than what meets the eye."

I watched as he pulled out a folded paper and showed the last page of the book that was missing.

"The last page...You had it the whole time. Why?"

Rourke walked up to me and pulled me away from Milo and Kida. I struggled to get away from him, but I was not strong enough.

The king sized from his Thorne and spoke in a firm voice.

"I knew that there was evil among this group, but I didn't intend to have my children fall in love with two of the ones with pure hearts."

Rourke didn't like the answer he was givin. He threw me to the ground and struck the king in his chest.


I watched the king fall to the ground and clutch his chest. I rose from the ground and ran to the king.

I put my hand on his chest trying to stop the bleeding and also try to stop the tears.

I was busy focusing on the wounded king that I didn't pay attention to Rourke walk over to the water with Kida and Milo.

"I have to stop the bleeding. Kido and Kida can't loose you, your Majesty."

The king grabbed my hands and shook his head at me. I looked at him in shock. He...He can't give up yet.

"Don't waste your time on a grouchy old man, young one."

I shook my head at him in denial.

"You can't give yet. You still are needed for your people. Kida and Kido need you still."

He smiled at me and place a hand on my face. Wiping away my tears.

"They no longer need me. They have you and your brother. They love you with all their hearts."


I quickly looked at the doors that lead to the outside world was guarded by two of Rourke's men.

I couldn't even leave to find Kido and bring him back to his father.

The king groaned and his breathing began to slow down. I began to panic.

"No! Don't die! You can't die!"

The king held on to my hand and slipped something in my hand.

I looked and saw a crystal necklace that is the same as mine held in my hand.


"You have the same power in you as did my love. You're care about you love ones and want to protect them. The same as your brother. He wants to protect and help as well. Give this to him. It with protect and heal."

Clutching the necklace in my hand I nodded my head.

"I will. I promise."

"I'm glad. Look after my children and people. Love them as they were your family."

"I will, your Majesty."

He smiled one last time and closed his eyes.

Sorry that this chapter is out later than ever.

I've been dealing with lots of changes at work that I haven't had time.

Also I did do the death of the king different. Instead of Milo being with him when he dies, Amelia would be by his side trying to keep him from dieing.

Anyway stay safe and healthy everyone!

Atlantean's Treasure (DGBLS Fan fiction Book 2)  Where stories live. Discover now