Final Chapter

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Hello guys. This is the final chapter of the Fanatical. And wow, it's been a journey. I know I'm a slow writer, this story almost took a year to be finished, but I'm glad I did it. As you may know, I'm french, so it was a challenge to write this story and to avoid translating apps as much as possible. Not to mention that I did all of this on my phone sooo... yeah ahah, not that easy since it's also my first real story. So yeah. I'm glad of what I did with it.

I hope you'll enjoy this final chapter as much as I did ! So please, let me know what you think about it !

The Fanatical : Final Chapter

He approached the bed he had been leaning on so much. At first, this dreadful vision used to make him nauseated. She was there, so weak. So fragile. Everytime, it felt like a stone in his stomach.

But over time, this feeling diminished. He went to visit her often, every day even, pretending that everything was fine.

How many times had he wanted to cry out to her to wake up? He did not know.

He had never been able to tell her how he really felt inside. All these times, she was the one leading the dance. He could never tell her the whole story. Out of fear of what she would think of it, probably out of shame too. So that's what he tried to do. Everyday, without respite. He knew she couldn't hear him. And so what ? What was left for him ? When everything was lost?

Hier body was there, yes. But her mind was gone. He was speaking to an empty shell, whose soul dried up in nothingness. For him.

And the others, what could they think of him? Did they find him selfish? Did they blame him? He didn't know.

Alex and Eliza came every day. Tirelessly. It was complicated at first, but they had developed a routine. Every day, at 5:00 pm, they would cross the multiverse to reach the bedside of their loved one.

But Alex hadn't been here that today. Yet, she had come to terms with the fact that Kara was no longer there and she rarely missed opportunities to see her.

"Hey Kara." Barry approached the bed tenderly, replacing one of the strands of hair on Kara's forehead. "How are you today ?" He tried.

He chuckled softly at the lack of response. "Of course." He murmured. He knew he would have no answers.

"Today is a special day." He continued in a sad tone. "In less than two hours, it will be a year since you sacrificed yourself for me in the speedforce." He squeezed his hand unconsciously. "Alex and Eliza are not coming today, it's too much they can bear." He apologized tenderly, drawing a small circle on her hand out of nervousness. "But I know they wish." He added. "You know, Alex doesn't show it, but I know she's in pain. Not because she'll never see you open your eyes again, but because she knows you'd rather like your heart to stop so that you may you join your mother in Rao's light, as you wanted so much. "

At these words, Kara's body exhaled a long sigh. Barry raised his hands to his chest in defense.

"No offense. I'm no longer a fanatic." He laughed gently. "But I know that's what you want, too." He resumed with a benevolent tone.

He sighed at the lack of response. He let go of his hand not without difficulty and reinstalled himself more comfortably in his chair, positioning his two hands behind his head, thoughtful.

"365 days ..." He whispered, looking at her. "You know, I thought a lot about what Rao showed me in the speedforce. It even haunted me for several nights. I spent all but sleepless nights because of what he said - to focus on what my faith really meant. "

He relaxed, breathing heavily, resting his elbows on his knees while rubbing his eyes.

"Faith ... faith means a lot of things. Faith is hope. Faith is comfort. Faith is giving up logic, giving up on thoughts. Faith is denying your fears. The fear of not knowing where we are going in this world, and why. And in my case, fear of loving you. " He whispered slowly, as if she could hear every single word. "I love you, Kara. I never said it. To tell the truth, I never knew how to admit it. For me, it was inconceivable to love another woman than Iris after she died. I was supposed to mourn her death, and yet I was only thinking of you. At the end of all thing, I was thinking of you.

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