I got tagged

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So yeah as the title says I got tagged for some reason by perceptive_detective. Just so you know I don't really know what tagging is but I think I understand.(I don't have social media and I don't own my own phone thats why)

1. Whats your full name? I don't really want to say sorry.

2.Do you have any hobbies?I like to draw, sketch, and shade. I also love reading, watching YouTube and listening to music.

3.Song?I have a ton and they change pretty much every week or so but right now, Paralyzed, Control, Gasoline, Monster(by Skillet) and Help oh well. I could list more but there are a lot of them.

4.Whats your phone homescreen background?I do not own a phone of my own. I will be getting one by the end of the year. And if I did have one it would probably be a forest or something.

5.Any big dreams?To be a somewhat succesful architect.

6.Did you sleep well last night?I get 5 hours of sleep max so...

7.How many friends?I have two really close friends and a group of people that I have been friends with since grade school.

8.Do I like math?I can do it but that does not mean I enjoy it.

9.Whats your faveorite subject?Probably Language Arts or Art or Spanish.

10.Where are you from?The Midwest. I live right on the border of two states.

11.Do you like sports? I like to watch Football and I am on the schools Track team and am pretty decent.

12.Am I healthy? I hope so.

13.How much do I cost? What is this question? I don't understand.

14.Faveorite singers? Halsey, The Living Tombstone, Set it Off, Skillet, (The list just keeps going. And yes I know some of them are bands)

15.How many siblings? 4

16.Can I draw? I'm okay but I prefer traceing because I am much better at shadeing, adding details, and coloring.

17.How many lessons on Monday? Umm I have 7 classes for school and then study hall.

18.Crush? Nope.

19.Single? I have never dated anyone.

20.If you had the chance to take home an idol who would it be? Thats a hard one. I honestly have no clue.

So I'm supposed to tag 15 friends... Lets do five and call it good.






(sorry I don't know who else to do)

I don't know if I did this right this is the s

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