I got tagged again!

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So yeah I got tagged by WinterCat52.

1. What was the name of your first pet?      Sam. He is this really cute dark gray kitten with adorable green eyes. 

2. What was the longest distance you have walked or ran?       I don't know the exact distance but I'm in track and one of the things we do is run around the football field for about an hour to warm up.

3. Who is your role model?     Probably my older sister. 

4. If you could invite three people to dinner (they can be fictional or dead it doesn't matter) who would you invite?      I really don't know. I would be to scared to talk to anyone famous(I'm pretty shy) so probably my three closest friends.

5. If you could only have one food for the rest of your life what would it be?      Chicken and broccoli the kind they have at the chinese buffets. (I love chinese food)

6. If you could go back in time what period would you travel to?     I would want to go back to the Revilutionary War because there were so many great people during that time like the founding fathers.

7. Have you ever done anything illegale?     I stole ten dollars from the school then felt really guilty and parinoid for a couple days so I just returned it. No one ever found out.

8. Wht is your faveorite type of weather?     55-65 degrees overcast like it could rain at any moment with a cool breeze and not humid. 

9. Would you change your name?      Maybe. I hate my real name because I know literaly 9 other people with the same name(that is not an exateration). 

10. Dog or cat?      Ummm my dog Grant is sitting on my feet right now and giving my the doggy eyes and my cat Sam is curled up against my side. So both.

11. What is your faveorite book?      This is a really hard question. I'm just going to pick a seris because I really can't choose. One Piece( I have read the whole seris four times)

12. Would you rather fly or be able to turn invisable?      Turn invisable.

13. Would you rather have more money or more time?       More money. I couldn't really do much with more time. Maybe this answer will change in 40 years, but right now I would rather have more money.

14. Would you rather be able to talk to and understand animals or speak all of the human languages in the world?     Animal. You can learn other languages you can't learn how to talk and understand animals. Plus I love animals.

15. Would you rather have world peace or stop world hunger?       World peace.

16. Would you rather go bungee jumping or sky diving?      I actully do want to go sky diving when I am older.

I'm just gonna tag four people because it didn't really say how many I was supossed to tag...





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