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A week later, Eva Di Mario was shocked into silence. The footage of her falling down on her knees and weeping spread like wildfire in the media.

One of her fellow policemen was sent to the asylum in Saultaire within a month after he tried to shoot Levi Nathan's family, his family and himself.

Neil Haufer had stumbled out of a hotel a week ago, interlocking arms with an old man before collapsing into a coma in her arms.

It was the factory wall that had attracted their attention, not because of posters or vulgar graffiti. It was a small bush, identified as an apple variant with brilliant violet flowers. The branches had weaved their way through six human corpses, a dog and something that looked like a dinosaur skeleton. One of them was Firenze Di Mario with a tiny note clutched in his hand.

A cluster of the bush's purple flowers, sad symbols of lost ones and the fight for justice now lay in the vase near Eva's hospital bed. If it weren't for the glucose, she would have still been half drowsy and a victim of nightmares, but thankfully she had enough energy to steady her shaking hands and read his note.

Dear Evie

It was Fi alright, with the identical r's and v's. His e's curled dangerously in the paper.

Dear Evie,

I'm sorry. I must be long dead by the time this reaches you and I hope that it won't be too late. Not enough time, bleeding. Bill Grey, Levi Nathan, fight, war. Neil lost, lizard. Forgive me, psychopath. Demoness, seed of Havahdimah, belly.

Don't pluck the flowers

Evie looked up from the note to the sound of wood cracking, confused and terrified by her brother's words. Her hands trembled.

She was in the middle of an apple bush, a single ruby red fruit suspended in the midst of it, surrounded by glowing purple flowers. Its sickeningly sweet smell beckoned her to pluck it, making her unaware of the branches enveloping her.

It embraced her, like its mother did to the six, trapping her within the cage and sinking branch born roots into her. It eagerly welcomed the mammalian hormones, blood, juices and nutrients. Soon the human would snap out of the trance and realise that the apple was merely bait, but by then she would be fertilizer to the bush.

The Roggenfrau would have been proud of her baby.

When it was done, it grew towards the window nearby, and bloomed after shedding its old flowers. The new flowers were female, and a bright blue in shade, calling to the honeybees to help it procreate.


The Morning Star

Der Morgenstern

May 18th, Tuesday, 2018


Government Confirms Havahdimah, the killer in your garden.

Lucille Ramone, Special correspondent

Berlin: The Department of Health Sciences and Human welfare (DHSH) has confirmed the lethality of Havahdimah and has warned people against buying apples from unauthorized dealers or eating wild ones.

Havahdimah, as named by one of its first victims, Firenze Di Mario, also called Eris' apple is a poisonous, cyanide rich deviant of the apple family, found growing on dead and decaying matter. It is also found in close association with its harmless cousins.

Effects of eating the fruit include nausea, hallucination, stomach upsets, blindness and possible death due to internal bleeding and/or cyanide poisoning. (More on page 4)

Millionaire found dead with five others

Nürnburg: Millionaire Business tycoon and owner of the multinational conglomerate BIRCH Co. Ms Levi Nathan (age 31) was found dead in a bush with five others in Rasüte. Ms Nathan was a philanthropist and had contributed a month's salary to the UNICEF'S "Feed the Next" programme, supporting millions of underage mine workers in Africa. Police has confirmed that the deaths are linked to the abduction of two factory workers and an employee of BIRCH Co. reported earlier this week. Four of the other bodies were identified as Mr Ken Hayano, Mr Benetto Riveyo, Mr Firenze Di Mario and Ms Helga Koch. One body remains unidentified. Blood tests on all six of the victims show high levels of cyanide and carbon monoxide. Police has informed that the arrested suspects would be questioned tomorrow. Meanwhile, the new CEOs of BIRCH Co. Mr Bill Grey and Mrs Vera Grey yet to issue a statement.


The Morning Star

Der Morgenstern


Search tags: (Havahdimah) (Plant invasion) (DHSH) (Reports) (Science) (Red alert)

May 18th, 2018- Govt. confirms Havahdimah, the killer in your garden.

Oct 18th, 2018- Havahdimah claims another life; opposition stresses danger in parliament.

Mar 18th, 2019- Scientists baffled by killer plant; lab shut down due to escaped specimen.

Sep 18th, 2019- Red alert issued in seven cities; Havahdimah more than what meets the eye.

Jan 18th, 2020- South Germany isolated and overrun, Berlin seeks help from the EU. Victims trapped in terror, civil strife robs lives.

Mar 18th, 2020- Video from South Germany shocks nation, lunatic feeds fellow humans to Havahdimah seemingly under its influence, military deployed.

Dec 21st, 2020- BIRCH CO test on plants successful. "Phyticide will be released in two months." says CEO Vera Grey.

" says CEO Vera Grey

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