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Soyeon strides into class, all eyes turned to her when she did so. (Did I mention she's a popular girl?) Her eyes darts across the room and lands at a spot in the corner. "Hey, is the spot here taken?" She asked. Yoonjae looks up from her book, "oh, no actually-" "Yes, yes it is," a voice cut her before she can finish her sentence. "Oh?" Soyeon scans at the boy who just came in. He wasn't familiar to her so she guessed it must have been the one her clique had been talking about: Koo Jungmo. 'I guess its true that he is the next visual god along with Minkyu...' "Well that's ok, I'll just take the seat in front," she flashes her official smile that had captured many guys. Well, it definitely did not affect Minkyu or Jungmo right now.

Minkyu walks in and saw the two at the corner but when his eyes landed on the girl in front of their seat he scowls. 'Geh-she's in our class too...' He chosed the seat next to Jungmo that had a separation between them instead even though he had thought of sitting together with them but this was fine with him too. He just hopes Soyeon doesn't do anything weird, knowing her personality, which is that she tends to be attracted to the 'good-looking' guys.

"Hey, you're here! Where did you go?" Yoonjae asks Minkyu when she saw him taking a seat. "Toilet break, you guys are so mean, we're in the same class but you didn't wait for me or chope a seat for me," Minkyu made a sad face towards them. Jungmo chuckled, "You'll be fine either ways." "Hey! You guys are throwing me away? Meanies!" Soyeon was listening in to the whole conversation, and she definitely is not pleased how Yoonjae gets along with these two guys, one which he had her eyes on last time and one that she has her eyes on now.

*Other side*
"Wonjin,wonjin,wonjin," Hyeonjun pouts. "What?" Wonjin looks over to the curly haired boy. "I'm soooooooo bored! It's unfair how the three are in the same class!!! I wanna be with Yoonjae tooooooo~>○<" "That's not how it works bro, hey I'm not complaining cuz at least im not alone like last time! And you and Minkyu were in the same class with her! Now have a taste of loneliness!" Wonjin brings up his old grudge. He also gets unhappy as he did not get to be in the same class as her once they reached high school. "Awwie, you had it tougher yea, but you got Jungmo first!" Hyeongjun whined. Wonjin decided that if he continued this talk, it would go nowhere so he shooed Hyeonjun back to his seat instead.

A/n: I'm back with a chapter :D
N e ways i gotta apologize for long waits. But feel free to continue this story on if u dm ><🙇🏻‍♂️🙇🏻‍♂️🙇🏻‍♂️

COMPLETED;Cravity 구정모Koo Jungmo-Always be with youWhere stories live. Discover now