Finish Line (Tom Holland)

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Hi. So one night I just felt like ranting and spilling a bunch of my feeling and thought why not turn it into a story, lol. Hope you enjoy...

Ps: the picture above is my screensaver, lmao


Can you come over, I have something I want to ask you x

You put your phone down after reading the message from your best friend. This was it. This was when you were going to tell him that you couldn't be friends anymore. He was causing too much pain in your life.

You loved him. Way more than a best friend.

But he didn't love you. He knew you loved him, and you were aware that he knew, but he had never said anything about it. Wanting to save your friendship, you never said anything either, but it was getting to hard to be around him.

Quickly replying with 'Sure, be right over' you walked down the pavement to Tom's flat. Once you reached the door you knew you were going to have to make the "break up" quick. One glance at Tom's smile could break you.

You took in a breath and knocked. Tom answered and before you could say a word he pulled you inside and hugged you. You hugged back weakly. Tom didn't seem to notice though.

"I have to ask you something," Tom said, visibly very excited. Giving up on the whole "leaving fast" thing, you nodded at him, indicating that you were listening. He led you to the couch.

"I really want you to go out with me."

You were surprised by the question and also his bluntness. "That's not a question," you managed to get out in your state of shock.

Tom playfully rolled his eyes at you before responding, "Fine. Will you, Y/N, go out with me?"


Tom's eyes widened, obviously expecting you to jump on the opprtunity to go out with him. You also surprised yourself. You loved Tom and have always wanted to go out with him, but, like you always tell yourself, he doesn't love you. Instead of giving Tom room to talk, you continued, picturing all the pain and heartbreak Tom has caused you over the years.

"I can't believe you expect me to go out with you. Of course, I like you. I love you. I have for years! And you've never acknowledged it. And don't tell me that you didn't know because you know damn well I can't keep secrets. And we both know that you can read me like a book. So you've seen my feelings. But have never, not once, acknowledged or mentioned them whatsoever. I've gotten over that part. Gotten over the fact that you don't want to be in a relationship and don't have feelings for me. I've watched you date girl after girl. Watched you break their hearts and them break yours. And I've comforted you, been by your side, through it all. Every heartbreak I was there for you and you hugged me and cried into my chest. And I would get the feeling that maybe you finally realized you liked me, finally realized that I'm the only one putting any effort into this friendship. You led me on everytime. I'm here through every break up you go through, through all the highs and lows, but you haven't ever considered me anything other than a friend. I get so disappointed when you introduce me to another girl. I know that you were trying to be nice and keep me in your life by introducing me to every girl that you date, but you crush my heart everytime I see your arm around another girl. I knew I was never even a choice when you kept coming to me for relationship advice. In the 14 years we've known each other—you never did look my way, did you? Until now. Until I'm the absolute last option. There are days when I wish I never even met you! Because the amount of pain you've caused in my life is bigger than anyone else ever has or ever could. It hurts because you're my best friend and you make me feel like I'm nothing. Like no one could ever love me. Like your doing me a favor by asking me out. You make it seem like you can't get any other girl so now you're settling with me. It makes me want to hate you. But you know what? I can't! Because I love you! I tried so hard to make my feelings go away to pretend they weren't there. But it hurts to pretend I don't feel anything for you. Give me a reason to fall out of love with you, please. I knew you didn't love me back. At least not the way I loved you. And I thought if I pretended it didn't matter then it wouldn't. But the universe has to be against me in every single way. Because it does matter so much. All the tears I've shed over the years because of you—so many tears—for you to do this. Pick me, just because you know that I'm hopelessly in love with you. Not because you love me back, but because you are so desperate for a companion. Even if it means breaking my heart more than you already have. You don't care. I should have told you about my feelings. I should have been blunt about it. But I knew that it wouldn't change anything if I told you how I feel. Because you know. And you're taking advantage of my feelings. I don't want to be a rebound or a last resort. No. No, I won't go out with you. I've wanted you to ask me out for years. But I won't go out with you unless you do this. Look me in the eyes and tell me that you love me. As more than a best friend." (damn, Y/N's a mess, eh?)

Tom Holland x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now