Not In Her Place (Tom Holland)

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"I'm giving my heart to you. And it isn't temporary. I'm giving you my heart for the rest of our life. Because today we become one; what's mine is yours and I'm so happy you can call me yours."

You smiled as Tom looked into your eyes, speaking every word while holding his smile through it all. His thin lips stretching into a wide grin. You squeezed his hands not being able to contain your own smile. But then again, why would you want to. This was the happiest day of your life.

"I love you, Y/N. Y/N."

"Y/N. Y/N!" Tom said shaking you by your shoulders. You were taken from your dreaming, remembering that it wasn't the happiest day of your life. And that day will never come.

"Um- sorry, what?" you said shaking your head and looking at Tom who was bouncing up and down on your full size bed, covered with deep green sheets. Tom rolled his eyes playfully and giggled at you. Gosh- he has got to stop doing that.

"The vows. For Aubrey, my soon-to-be wife. What do you think?" Your heart hurt when you watched how his eyes sparkled when he talked about her. It takes you back to the time that you both met Aubrey.

You and Tom had been friends for 4 years when, in Year 12/Grade 11, you decided to go to a party together. Neither of you were "the party type," but with all the studying you had been doing, it was time to let loose. Not too loose, you still had to drive home.

That's why you were drinking pop and Tom had a beer on the couch for most of the night. Some people might consider you both lame for sitting the whole time, but neither of you could care any less. Tom had his arm around your shoulders and you head was resting on his upper arm when a girl with long brown hair introduced herself as Aubrey. 

The only consolation you have when you think back to this time is that Tom didn't instantly warm up to her. He didn't ditch you right away for her that night; something you are forever thankful for. 

But, their relationship only grew from there. Aubrey never left Tom alone after the party. Until he finally agreed to go out with her and realized how much he liked her. It broke your heart the night he came home from their first date. He told you that it was way more than he ever imagined. You stayed up all night as he explained all the reasons Aubrey was perfect for him, as your heart shattered into more and more pieces.

Aubrey had never liked you. How cliché. You never really knew why. You tried to be her friend, after all, she is the fiancée to your best friend of 10 years. She never tried as hard as you, though. And Tom never said anything. It was like he kept life with you and life with her completely seperate. That's why it was so shocking for you to recieve the wedding invitation from Tom.

"Uh- yeah! Y-yeah those're..great," you laughed trying to cover up the pain you felt. The vows were wonderful. But you wish that they weren't for Aubrey. You obviously want your best friend to be happy, but life is hard when you have to watch the person you are in love with marry another person.

Tom must have caught the pain in your tone, because he frowned and cupped your face to which you pulled back and stood up as you felt your heart-rate increase and your breathing escalate. "Hey," Tom spoke softly, standing up slowly, "What's wrong?"

He grabbed your hand and you forced yourself to hold on as well, putting on a brave face. "Nothing is wrong. I'm actually really happy," you smiled, your voice surprisingly steady.

"Okay," he nearly whispered. He didn't believe you; you could tell. But instead of asking more questions he let go of your hand and looked at the time on his phone. It was 12:30am the night before his wedding. He let out a breath. "I should head home, 's really late."

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