Peyton pov

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I am going to this school for a little press. My co-stars aren't but disney is making me cause I am the eye candy of the show which really can be annoying.

I mean girls just see me and think omgg it the really hot guy off that show and they start watching it just for me which makes the rating go up.

I bite my lip as I saw that I would attending "Friendly James high school".

I bite my lip as I got a text from rowan that read "do us proud peypey". "Have fun at school" Sabrina texted me.

There both totally Enjoying this totally I can just imagine rowan giggling while Sabrina smirked.

I shook my head as I got out of the car as I saw thousands of girls with signs that read "WERE ENDGAME" .

They were all yelling as there were people yelling my name from all around as I noticed this one girl that totally Ignored the scene as she walked up the stairs of the high school.

She was holding some sort of book in her head as the tittle read "NARUTO volume 123".
I smiled as I noticed that her was heading to the pavement. I quickly walked up the stairs as I caught her.

Her eyes shut as I am guessing she was surprised that she didn't fall.she gulped as I was guessing she was gonna said "YOUR SO HOT".

But instead she just picked up her book and walked away from me with out looking back and wow her eyes were the chocolate.

Weird I murmured as I went down to sign autographs after that was over I was taken to the office to get my schedule.

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