Edgeberry:Lamia troubles.

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The heat was unbearable, fortunately, the trees provided some sort of escape from the unforgiving sun. Unfortunately, that didn't stop Blue from feeling his soul about to burst within his ribcage. He felt dizzy, his clothes were damp from sweat and his vision was poor due to the hazy heat and the bundle of nerves that coiled around his stomach like a vice.

The worst thing was he was currently unable to run away, one because of the fear that struck his core, and two, his sprain leg leaving him defenseless. Third, the pack of lamias that stood just a few feet away from him.

Fell was the first to slink closer to the unfamiliar 'animal' but was dragged back by Honey. With a warning hiss, Fell huffed as he watched the older lamia approach the weird thing.

Blue began to whimper as one of the larger lamia's began to close in on the distance that kept them apart. He twisted his body so he was facing the ground and attempted to crawl away, or at least escape. But his hopes were crushed as he felt claw-like hands pin him down by his shoulders, a heavyweight almost made him lose his bearings as he felt the thing's breath on his neck. Blue, remembering his instructional training with how to deal with wild animals, froze on the spot and allowed the lamia to sniff him. It'd be better to be cooperative if he valued his life, and he did so very, very much.

Honey glanced over his shoulder, 'Do you want to check it?' Honey asked Edge, 'I believe it's unable to walk, for some reason,' Honey glanced down at the smaller thing. The lamias have never seen such an odd thing before. Blueberry looked like then, but without the long tail.

Edge had his pack stay away from the new being. He wasn't sure what it was and was definitely not going to let his clan get hurt by...that thing. He slowly slithered towards it and growled.

'I don't like it. I haven't seen a creature like this before. Who knows what it can do...', his claws softly ran down blue's back.

'get off of him honey. I'll take care of it. It looks tiny and it definitely doesn't have claws.', he checked blue's hands and teeth,'This one might be a pray animal not a predator...'

Puff watched and stayed behind as he held Classics hand. Puffs tail twitched as he watched,'What do we do with it? It looks hurt...'

'I would imagine it is hurt. One of it's legs looked bruised...', edge replied.

Classic slithered slightly over and watched,'why not keep it? As a pet it a decoy to get animals away from us. It doesn't look like it will do harm.'

Edge checked blue's hands and teeth again,'Maybe you're right...it can stay here for now. Puff, go out with Classic and get some bedding fluff. He'll need at least something to sleep on.'

Blueberry was picked up by edge, draped over his shoulder as blueberry was carried inside. He couldn't understand was the lamias were saying. Nothing but soft hissing and purrs.

Puff and classic made a soft bed for berry. They seemed happy and excited  to have blueberry around.

Puff purred,'He can be like a little pet~! He can be kept around and nuzzled!'

Fell looked at blueberry, huffing and shaking his head,'How silly... Just use him as bait for animals. He has no claws or fangs! Practically defenseless. At least rabbits can put up a fight!'

'I don't think he's fully defenceless...look at the color! It's such a bright blue. Maybe it's like one of those toxic frogs! Bright colors to warn predatory animals away'

Edge nodded,'This one definitly uses his color to scare away animals. For now... we'll take care of it.", Placed leafs and fluff over blueberry, like a blanket.

"First things first...feeding it and getting it adjusted to us. It's obviously horrified, where practically giant snakes to it lastly...it needs a name."

Honey poked at the shaking skeleton, whom watched the lamias,"How about Blue? Almost it's whole body was a baby blue color."

Edge nodded,'It's a suitable name. Now then, Blue will be under my watch. He seems to be... skittish.", He said. Edges tail wrapped around blues waist, cuddling him close.

'since he is such a helpless and defenseless animal, I'll be making sure he doesn't run away or hurt himself.'

Berry whimpered as he felt the tail around his waist slowly tighten,"H-Hey... Don't crush my hips!", He wiggled however, the more he wiggled, the more edge pulled berry close. Eventually, edge coiled around berry and held him close.

'what a odd little animal. You don't stop shifting, hmm? How annoying...", He huffed as he closed his eyes to sleep,"You better not be annoying... Otherwise my plans my change with you.'

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2020 ⏰

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