🧡Chapter 1 🖤

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Your Pov unless said otherwise:
My alarm clock went off, telling me to get up since I have to go to school today. But, the thing is, I've already been awake. I couldn't sleep last night since my body wouldn't let me.
My quirks are kinda weird but reasonably manageable. No sleep is my first one, which means I can't sleep, ever. I mean, it's okay since I never plan on going to sleep anyways. My second quirk is well, it's hard to explain. It's like ice but I can also use water too. This is the only quirk I have that I can use to protect and fight, I can use water as anything I can manipulate it into, but also freeze it and manipulate that too.
Well, with getting actually no sleep what-so-fuckin-ever, I get off of my bed and get dressed into the shitty school uniform that I was able to ulter. I asked for pants instead of a skirt and they allowed it. So I don't have to wear a skirt even though it's low enough for comfort. But I really don't give a flying- "Y/N! Hurry up! Your gonna be late for school, ya shit!" My dad yelled up to me from the living room. "Yeah yeah. Can't talk back since I'll get a beer bottle to the head again." I mumbled out so he wouldn't hear. Most people think I'm weird because I don't talk at school or when im outside the house. Actually, I don't speak at all when I'm around others. Anyways, after getting dressed and brushing my hair out so it looks semi-decent, I grab my stuff as I head downstairs. Once I get to the door and put my shoes on, my dad throws a bottle at me, causing me to flinch. "Make sure you get your ass back home before five thirty! Your mom has enough medicine for this week but you'll be going to get her prescription tomorrow. So tomorrow I'll remind you to be back by six thirty or else."
I nodded and left the house as my little brother stood outside the gate, waiting for me. "Yay! Big sis is coming after all!" I nodded and smiled at him softly. I then heard another door being opened and slammed shut. Great. Bakugou is leaving the same time as me, again. "Hey, sis? Isn't that Bakugou?" I nodded and took my little brothers hand and started to walk him to his school. I have to do this so he doesn't go alone, otherwise I'll be beat by father if he finds out he went alone. "Good morning Bakugou-senpai!" My brother said to him. "Tsk." He said under his breath. "Morning." He said back to Jinzu. Jinzu is 6 with the quirk water. He can't freeze things like I can't though, that and he can actually get sleep. Mother doesn't have a quirk and fathers quirk is watered ice, where you can freeze water, have water surrounding ice and the opposite of that. So basically only my dad is strong.
Yet, mother had to be injured badly in a break-in with a villain and father blames me. Mom is still alive though she is bedridden and can hardly live. Dad refuses to pull the plug for her which, mom has tried to pull her own plug but when I tried to stop her, father just had to see it as me trying to pull it. I didn't and was blamed for it and now he abuses me. Anyways, Bakugou is walking on the other side of the street as me and my little brother make it to his school and I drop him off. "Okay big sis! I'll wait at the front of school for you when school lets out! See you later!" Jinzu says, giving me a hug and runs off. God if I could yell at him for running then I would, but I don't like to talk around other people so I stay quiet while waving. I then continue on my walk to school, noticing that Bakugou had stopped walking on the other side of the street. Or maybe he walked on without caring about me, since no one cares?
I then look around to see if anyone is around and find not a single soul. So I decide to sing til I find someone so they can shut me up. "Just as I was about to take my shoes, off of the rooftop there I see, a girl with braided hair here before me, despite myself I go and scream. Hey, don't do, it please." I then noticed someone coming around the corner and stopped singing, keeping myself quiet as I realized the person was Izuku Midoriya. He's nice to me but hardly ever talks to me since when he does, Bakugou is there to get him to go away. "Oh! Good morning Y/n! How was your summer break?" I didn't no how to respond since I don't get sleep and I was abused all summer long. Izuku is the only one who has actually heard me speak, which was actually very little since more people started to come out of nowhere and I didn't want to speak. Izuku knows I don't speak around others.
I looked around to see if anyone was around, which there was luckily nobody around and sighed. "It was okay, if you consider getting hurt all summer." Izuku looked worried but I faked a smiled so he wouldn't have to worry. He doesn't need to know about what goes on at home. Then the one and only appeared from no where. "DEKU!" I jumped at the sudden outburst from Bakugou and turned to look at him. "Why the hell are you talking to a reject?! She's got no place in this world! She's even blow you! A quirkless nobody!" I sighed softly at this and put my hands in the pockets of my pants and walked off, heading towards school and away from the explosive blonde before school starts. "Hey! Don't just walk away from me while I'm insulting you, you muted FREAK!"
God I hate it when he tries to make me feel like I'm worthless when I already know that I am. I ignored his outbursts and headed to class after putting my shoes in my locker and putting on my school shoes. The bell then rang, signaling that class is starting in 5 minutes and everyone started to go to class. Luckily for me, I was already in my class, as I sat down in my seat, the same one I've had for the past two years and now for my 3rd year. I'm in 9th grade with my biggest bully of all time and the one person that has never heard me talk. I used to actually be friends with someone named Touya but he 'died' a when he was 12. That was 11 years ago though, and I was only two so I don't really remember him. I was told that he died but something is bothering me. I don't really think that he died. I think he's still alive but I don't know where he's at, so I can't really say that he's alive or not. Hell, I don't want to speak so why could I even "say" anything.
Anyways, class started and I could tell that Bakugou and Midoriya were both in my classes since Bakugou is sitting in the row besides mine and two seats in front, and Midoriya is sitting two seats away from me and two rows away as well. This year will be fun.

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