🧡Chapter 6🖤

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Y/n's Pov:
It's been a month. A month of living in this house with Bakugou and my brother with Bakugou's parents. His parents are really nice though. They don't fully talk to me much, but at least their nice enough to make me and my brother food. But, I feel like heavy weight to them. Bakugou won't let me leave his room unless I tell him where I'm going, and if it's outside, he follows me. I can't catch a break in this house. "Hey, I'm gonna run to the store to by some things, the old hag wants me to leave you be for today. So if you need me or anything you can call." Bakugou says as he grabs his phone and starts to leave. "Oh yeah," he walks over to me, since I'm sitting on his bed looking outside, and gives me a peck on the forehead. I start to blush and stay looking outside. "Thanks." I mumbled out as he leaves. Once I hear the front door close, I get up and head to my brothers room. "Hey sis. Are you gonna try to sneak out again without Bakugou knowing?" I nod as he sighs softly. "Then I'm coming too. You aren't allowed to say no." I sigh, thinking about what Jinzu is going to say when he finds out where we are going. I nod as we get ready, it's summer time but I still wear pants and a long sleeve shirt, my outfit consists of only black. "Ready?" Jinzu asks as I nod and we go to leave the house. No one said anything to us as we left. "You know where we are going, right?" I ask my little brother as he nods slowly. "It would be easier if we weren't on this planet. We don't have a family to be with, only each other. But if you leave, then I'll be alone. So I'm going with you. That way we aren't alone." He looks up at me with a smile. I smile back, it being completely genuine as we walk to the park. We take in the scenery as this might as well be our last day on earth. We then go to the building, the one and only school building that I no longer attend to. I'm supposed to try the entrance exam at UA High with Bakugou, but today might not be that day. "Up there, sissy?" It's been a while since Jinzu called me sissy but I nod as we enter the school. It's open for clubs and staff during the summer, but since it's only been a month, lots of students are still trying to finish their end of the year tests and stuff. Anyways, we start to head up the stairs as we finally reach the roof. Once we do, we stand in the same spot I tried to before. Only, something feels off. Like, it's not supposed to end this early, but still end like this. Not the right spot, not in front of the right people, or anything. I sigh. "Jinzu? Do you remember when mom would sing us a lullaby before bed?" I ask him as he somewhat nods. "It's hazy, but I do." I start to hum the lullaby as we climb over the railing. We take our shoes off, setting them behind us, behind the railing that's blocking us from turning back. I grab my phone that Bakugou gave me, quickly texting Bakugou that I'm not home and neither is Jinzu. I text him that we're together and that we are saying goodbye. Once I set my phone down in between mine and Jinzu's shoes, we hold hands. "Sissy? I'm scared." I look down at him as I give a small smile. "Everything will be okay. We'll live a happier afterlive. Just you and me. Okay? Nothing to worry about and nothing that will hurt us." He nods as we take a deep breath in. As we start to lean forwards, Jinzu hugs me. I hug him back as we separated in the air, soon hitting the ground.

All is quiet. Everything is dark. Did I die? Is Jinzu dead too? I start to hear a faint beeping noise. I didn't die. But did my brother? I don't want to be alive if he's gone. After a bit, I start to open my eyes. I'm still alive. Why? What's the point? I look around, not making a sound as I see Bakugou alseep in a chair next to me. He's holding onto my hand lightly. I then turn to see someone in the bed next to me. It's a smaller figure. But doctors are around it and their saying a lot. I then feel something move. I look over to see that Bakugou is wake. Tears are stained on his cheeks, more start to flow down his face as shock rises in him. Soon, the doctors I saw a bit ago come over and start talking. "From your fall, you've broken a few bones, and almost died. You could have been paralyzed from the fall, but luckily you weren't." I go to speak, wanting to know what happened to my brother, but I don't speak around others. "What about her brother?" Bakugou asks for me. The doctors face changes into more of a sad look.

"Your brother Jinzu, is in a coma."

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