Chapter 1

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The rain pattered against your head. You weren't sure what was happening. Your body was wet, soaking. Blood running down your right arm. Your head raised and you could see the light filling the sky as thunder roared in your ears. You couldn't remember how you got in the streets. Your eyes looked out at the cars and people bustling by. 

"Oiiii! What are you doing!! " you stood staring blankly as a car came rushing in your direction. You didn't even flinch. The car came to an abrupt stop, right by your feet. You could hear people yelling in the distance. But you couldn't process the words.

"Hey are you alright?" you looked at the man that stood before you. He looked genuinely concerned. 

"I own a clinic, let me help you." you weren't sure what to think. You were just so tired. Your eyes drooped and you fell forward. The last thing you saw was dark eyes looking down on you.


"How is she?" The orange haired male asked. Isshin shook his head. "She was bleeding terribly. Her body was covered in scratches. There's also a scar on her left shoulder. " Isshin continued to wrap your arms in gauze. You were in rags basically. Your clothing torn in many places. Isshin was looking for any other wounds. 

His eyes scanned your body, stopping on the small mark on your neck. He moved your hair to the side, a tattoo catching his eyes. "Ichigo." he called. The teen looked down. 

"What is it?" Isshin pointed and Ichigo's eyes widened.

"S-She's an espada!" the tattoo read two zeros. Ichigo racked his brain to try and figure if he had encountered you at some point. He couldn't remember ever battling you or even seeing you. You didn't even look that old either. Maybe in your late twenties. Then again, souls never really looked their age. Rukia could pass for a teenager and she was hundreds of years old.

"How is this possible?" Isshin shook his head. "It doesn't matter. Aizen is dead. It's possible she survived the same way Nel and Grimmjow did. We need to report this. " Ichigo nodded. 

"I'll let Rukia know immediately." Ichigo took off, nearly running into his sisters on the way out. Both girls were a little older now. Yuzu held some clothes in her hands, and Karin held a bottle of water and some food wrapped in tin foil. "Is she going to be okay?" Yuzu asked hesitantly. You were breathing, but aside from that Isshin couldn't tell much else.

"She seems like a strong person, I'm positive she'll pull through. " Karin placed down her items, standing next to Yuzu giving her a comforting smile. 

"She'll be fine. Dad's the best when it comes to helping people. " Isshin's eyes welled up with tears as he jumped towards her with his arms open. 

"Do you mean that Karin-chan!!" she raised her leg, kicking him in the face when he got close. He fell to the ground with a thud and Yuzu sweatdropped. 

"Don't get ahead of yourself old man!" He wailed on the ground. 

"So cruel papa just wants some love~"

"Reaper." Isshin stood suddenly when he heard the voice. Yuzu and Karin's head whipped in the direction of the woman. 

"S-She's awake!!" you sat up slowly, eyes watching your surroundings. Isshin stood in front of his daughters. 

"Stay back girls." He wasn't sure what your intentions were, so he couldn't take any chances. You looked down, noticing the bandages on your body. 

"Did you do this reaper?" Isshin gave you a skeptical look. "So you can tell I'm a reaper." he questioned. You gave a slow nod. Your eyes drifted to the girls behind him. 

"Humans.." you muttered. You stood slowly off the bed, walking to Isshin slowly. He still seemed guarded. Your head leaned to the side as you reached out a hand to touch the brown haired girl. 

She closed her eyes and your hand rested on her head, ruffling her hair lightly. Her eyes opened and you just stared in interest. 

"Humans are adorable. " you stated. Karin smiled and Isshin did the same. Yuzu giggled and you pulled your hand away almost immediately. A panicked look crossed your face as you took steps back. 

"D-Did I hurt you?" Isshin's eyes studied you and Yuzu shook her head, stepping forward to take your hand. 

"I-I'm fine, don't worry that just tickled." she assured me. You looked down at your linked hands in thought. 

"Tickled?" the word seemed foreign.

She nodded. Your hands reached out again and you touched her cheeks. You pulled them softly and she started giggling again. 

"Humans are soft too." you marvelled. Isshin walked over moving your hands with a playful laugh. 

"That's enough experimenting, you need rest. " You looked a bit disappointed. He smiled. 

"She's like a child." He guided you to sit on the bed and you did, looking up at him. Isshin blushed at how intensely your eyes seem to be marking him.

He cleared his throat. "Where did you come from?" he asked. Your eyes seem to lose their light at the question. 

"I was..I used to be a soul in the Rukon District." your hands curled into the mattress. 

"I was taken by a man named Aizen." Isshin's eyes hardened. 

"He..did something to me..experimented on me. I was held hostage by him for countless years...I barely remember much after that." Isshin nodded. 

"Why were you walking around in the middle of the street, how did you get here?"

"I fell through a giganta. When Aizen finished using me..he threw me away. He said I was a failed experiment. " you pointed to the digits on your neck. 

"I was wandering through Hueco Mundo for centuries. Many hollows have tried to devour me, but they failed. One of them was opening a doorway to this place. I fell through. That's when I heard all the humans, and strange metal machines."

"You've had a hard run."  Isshin felt bad. You looked so innocent and fragile.

"You don't have to worry. We'll look after you." Yuzu's eyes brightened at her father's  words.

"Is she really going to stay with us!" Isshin gave a sigh, turning to his excited daughter. 

"We can't exactly drop her at a shelter. She can stay with us until a final decision is made from the Soul Society."

You shook your head. "I'm afraid I cannot stay with you." Isshin's eyes narrowed. 

"Why not?" Your eyes wavered. "I-I'm a danger." Isshin placed a hand on your shoulder. 

"Listen, I'm not worried. If we just let you walk out of here who knows what could happen." you just shook your head stubbornly. "You don't understand." you raised your injured arms. 

"Do you know how I got these injuries?" He looked confused. "Didn't a hollow cause them?"

"No, I did this to myself. " Karin's eyes shook. "W-Why the hell would you do that!" she yelled.

Your eyes settled on the floor, a blank look overtaking your face. 

"I have abilities that I cannot control. In Hueco Mundo my reiatsu was always balanced. But I was weaker than all the other espadas. When I fell through that doorway something shifted. I can't explain it. When I came here I was attacked by another hollow. I killed it in seconds. But the blast I released almost shattered both my limbs." 

Isshin's eyes widened. 

"Something about this world is interfering with my spiritual pressure. I have no control here. If I end up in a situation where I have to defend myself, I could kill all of you. I can't be trusted. " you stated firmly.

"I can't stay." you finished. Isshin just looked at you.

"What do I do.." his eyes moved to his daughters. 

"I can't put them in danger. " 

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