Chapter 11

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From that day on, Isshin was extra careful with all his interactions with you. He also avoided being alone at any point in time. You noticed of course. It was getting increasingly hard since all his children were pretty much grown now, living their lives. Ichigo was rarely ever at the house, and Yuzu and Karin both hung out with their friends on a daily basis. 

Which left you home alone, with him. What unnerved him was the fact that he still didn't know what you meant that night. You didn't clarify, and he was too afraid to broach the topic. His plan at the time was to just make you a little uneasy so you would keep your distance. The entire situation backfired. Now he was left pondering what to do.

What made him the most weary is the fact that you never really did anything different. You ate with them at dinner, and breakfast as usual. When he had patients, you sat quietly, watching him work. You even learned to do some of the housework. All in all, you were being the perfect house guest. He couldn't for the life of him figure out what to make of it all.

It was the weekend. So no patients, and no kids. The last part made him anxious. Both his girls were spending the weekend at a friend's house. And the chances of Ichigo visiting today were pretty slim. It was just you and him. The worst part is he had nothing to distract him. No work.

"Reaper." Isshin jumped from his spot on the couch, now stuck with his back to the wall.

"W-Where did you come from!" you shot him a small smile.

"I just finished with your clothing. " You had the laundry done, backed and folded in the basket you held. Isshin narrowed his eyes at you, but accepted it nonetheless. 

"A-Arigatou." he mumbled. You handed him the basket when he got closer. Isshin reached over and his fingers brushed your own as you exchanged the load. He closed his eyes trying to control his blush at the warmth such a brief form of contact provided. He took off quickly, not willing to let you see the effect such a small action had on him.

Throughout the day, you studied him. His reactions, and movements. There was still so much that was lost on you. You had a lot to learn, and you thought you could by observing him. When he went to the couch to watch a show, you followed, standing in the hallway, watching the images that flashed over the screen. You weren't too keen on what it was exactly he was watching, but a conversation between a man and a woman on the screen caught your interest.

"I love you Keiji!" your hand reached up, pressing to your chest at the way they were looking at each other. It wasn't long before they both seemed to be leaning in closer. Right before their lips met, the channel switched. Isshin coughed, avoiding your gaze. There was something else on the screen, but it didn't catch your interest in the slightest. You could tell Isshin wasn't paying much attention either, because his eyes were directed at his lap, a thoughtful look on his face.

"Reaper?" Isshin lifted his gaze, and the dazed look on his face was not one you were expecting. He snapped out of it after a few seconds. Standing quickly.

"I have to get dinner ready." he spoke hurriedly. He moved to walk past you, but you grabbed his arm. He stopped, and you could feel the slight tremble at how suddenly you'd taken his arm.

"I would like to pursue you officially." Isshin stammered, pulling his hand away.

"What are you talking about!?!" your head tilt to the side. "Is that not what humans do when they are attracted to someone. Surely courting customs have remained somewhat the same even after all these centuries." Isshin was still trying to process what you were saying.

"She couldn't really be date me.."

"You look fairly confused. Maybe I should elaborate further." you cleared your throat.

"I want to be with you reaper." his face blanked.

 "I understand that you're under the impression that maybe I do not wish to have anything with you, but you're mistaken. I've come to realize you are the reason my heart seems to constrict in the most unusual ways. I can't recall ever having such a feeling, but I've also never had this particular experience with anyone but you. I'd like to understand more of what I feel. That is what I want." Isshin gaped, because you'd basically just confessed to him. In a fairly formal way.

"I already told you that I-"

"I refuse to take no for an answer. " you interjected. You didn't wait for him to respond, you were already walking away.



"Dinner is ready." you placed the plate of curry on the table, pulling a chair out for Isshin to sit down. He moved over cautiously, taking a seat. When he was comfortable you went back to get your own. 

You grabbed a spoon, taking a seat next to him. You dug in, taking up a spoonful. When you put the spoon in your mouth, your eyes sprung open. Isshin watched you.

"Is something wrong?" you shook your head, wolfing down the rest of it. Isshin held back a smile.

"It's really good!" Since this was your first time attempting the dish, you weren't sure how it would turn out. You grinned with a mouthful of food. When you'd clean the plate, Isshin noticed the little grains of rice on the corner of your lips. He picked up a napkin, cleaning it off.

"You eat like a toddler." he spoke, dabbing the remnants off. You blinked a couple times, before swallowing. Even though he claimed to not want a relationship, he was awfully caring. How could you not fall for him. Your cheeks brightened slightly. Isshin must have caught on, because he pulled his hand away quickly, staring at his food. "Sorry.." he muttered.

"I-It's fine." Instead of ordering him around, maybe it was time to ask him how he felt.

"Reaper, do you feel anything for me?" Isshin's eyes grew wide.

"W-Where is this coming from all of a sudden." You pushed your chair out, turning to him. In one move you pulled out his chair, planting yourself on his lap. Isshin's body tensed, eyes shaking.

"W-What are you doing!!" you leaned closer, wrapping your hand around his neck. Your hand lifted, index finger reaching out a brushing over his lips. 

"I realize that I've been quite persistent, but I've been quite clear on what I want. If you truly feel nothing for me, then it wouldn't be very difficult for you to tell me. Even in such a position."

His eyes hardened. "You can't force me to admit how I feel. " your thumb drifted over his bottom lip for a second, and you could see the way he tried to keep his composure. It was probably taking a lot out of him not to break. 

"I am not forcing anything. If you dislike me, just say so. I see no point in pursuing something with someone who does not desire the same." he didn't speak, and you smiled. 

"Unless you do feel for me, you just refuse to admit it to yourself. " Apparently you'd hit the nail right on the head. A small bead of sweat ran down the side of his head, tongue darting out to wet his lips. Isshin's hands that had been firmly planted at his side raised. He took both your wrists, locking them behind your back. You were stunned at the change in control. Isshin closed the distance slightly, just an inch away from your lips. Your eyes were trembling. 

"You continue to test my self control, if it continues, I won't be responsible for my actions (Y/N)." 

It was a warning, for what, you weren't sure. 

Isshin Kurosaki x Reader (Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now