"Oh Where Shall the Stars Lead Us"?

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On a cloudless night, young eyes of royalty intently gaze up at the black endlessness covered in sparkling stars. With his elbows up and his slender neck being tickled by stiff grass he question's his current position. He had eyes that shined almost as bright as those tiny drops of heaven.

"Sigh~ Ugh... I'm bored Reiner dance for me".


"How about sing"?


"Can you at least try"?


"Ahhh...!", with an agitated groan the star eyed boy flipped over on his stomach and stretched out his limbs yawning from exhaustion. He kicked his feet back in forth in the air and rested his chin on the top of his hands and spoke sprightly to a man sitting across the way, "Reiner you're not a very good escort for a prince. It leaves me to wonder if you're even a body guard. Hmm... you're more like a wandering hobo with a sword".

An unknown origin of a man sits by side a small fire with his eyes closed and his blade resting on his shoulder. He wasn't exactly a man of few words; he could speak his mind if he wasn't so prideful and drained of energy.

With an annoyed twitch of his right eyebrow he replied "Y'know you're an annoying little shit. It's hard to believe you're a prince. You're more liked a spoiled brat that needs to have his ass spanked".

"Hmm... Touché"

Blonde golden hair and emerald green eyes couldn't take its sight off of the still figure of Reiner as he crawled towards him. A body of royalty and raised with absolute care; what spoiled eyes he had. It was as if he had no choice but to feel curious about this man that would not speak of his past.

"What are you doing"?

Both hands on Reiner's cheeks the young man gazed enchantingly into his blue eyes and spoke softly to him, "If you are my servant as you said you were then you are to announce me by my name. Lukas... Lukas Bondevik..."

"And why should I?", Reiner asked annoyed.

"Your eyes... a bright blue... so bright they almost sparkle in the dark... like stars...", Lukas spoke never averting his gaze, ignoring Reiner's question and became in a trance as he reminisced, "I once had a servant that had hazel hair and blue eyes like yours. People with such features rarely showed around the palace. I was enraptured by those eyes because they reminded me of the stars. He would often let me gaze into his eyes like this whether during the sunny days or the cloudy nights; it didn't matter they would always shine so brightly".

".......", Reiner was silent as he watched apathetically as Lukas caressed his face.

"You remind me of him a lot; although he was a lot more cheerful than you", Lukas said as he lowered his head.

"Well sorry that I don't meet you're criteria your highness", Reiner replied with a sarcastic tone as he once again closed his eyes and turned to sit closer to the fire.

Lukas chuckled at his response and mumbled "That's alright... Just as long as I can see stars... it is enough..."

Kicking off with his left foot Lukas flipped over with the support of his arms and landed on his feet. Using the force of his flip he scurried over in a weird fashion, spun once, and flopped onto Reiner's back.

"Ugh!? W-what the hell are you doing"!?

Lukas placed his hand over his forehead and let out a loud sigh as he melodramatically began to speak "Sigh~ Oh what would I have done without the light in your eyes to guild me Reiner! You are truly my one and only savoir"!

"Would you quit talking like that!? Get off me"!

"The sky was filled with such thick smoke that I could not see the stars to lead me to safety, but you heroically reached out your hand! Your hand pulled me from the fire, but the gleam in your eyes was what saved me from that terrible night...", Lukas leaned back harder on Reiner's back pushing as much weight as he could down on him, "Oh! How can I ever repay you!? I am so deeply indebted to your bravery"!

"Hey I may have saved you but that was it I didn't agree to be your servant you just kept following me! Now I regret saving you! You're obnoxious as hell"!

Lukas turned and wrapped his arms around Reiner's neck whispering playfully, tickling the inside of his ear, "But you can't refuse me because no matter how hard I push you never push back. Hahaha"!

"Uhh! Get off already"!

Reiner gave Lukas a god shove with his elbow, but Lukas willingly let go. He rolled in the grass and carried out the rest of his laughing. He then leaned up against Reiner's back, but this time more calmly and looked up with a saddened gaze.

"Mama would often say that whenever I was lost or sad, that I was to look up at the stars for they would guide me home, but what home? There are no longer any stars to follow, that's why I've discovered new stars. I'm hoping that when I'm finally able to sit right beneath them that they will have led me to a new home".

".........", Reiner stayed silent listening to this spoiled Prince's mad words of the night sky, and found it hard not to turn his head to see if that cocky smiled had faded from Lukas's face.


Lukas gazed up at the night sky once more enraptured by those twinkling lights and reached his hand up slowly as if he was trying to catch them with his bare hand. He smiled again and with a bit of amusement in his voice asked aloud "Oh where shall they lead us..."?

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