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I felt bad leaving Todoroki in the classroom alone like that, but I needed to get out. I went to find Shota and told him I wanted to leave. He said that he had some things to take care of, and couldn't leave yet.

Hizashi offered to drive me home if I wanted him to. I said I didn't care and began walking. I heard Hizashi running to catch up to me, and i let a small smile form on my face.

We got to my house and I let Hizashi in. He looked around the house and gave me a thumbs up. I rolled my eyes at him and told him to stop.

"Can't be too careful here Yukine. Have to be sure that you were safe here."

I stood there staring at him before looking away. He must have noticed my change in emotions because he gathered me in his arms. He hugged me tightly and didn't let go until I returned it.

He stepped back and smiled at me.

"Sorry, Shota couldn't be here with you."

I shrugged and smiled back at him.

"Guess I'll just have to make do with you then."

Hizashi's face dropped as I went to my room. He fake cried about how mean I was, but I knew he was only faking it.

But I didn't have to be mean to him though, I realized. And I did it to Todoroki too.

I grabbed my hair and tugged on it. The slight pain didn't stop me from berating myself mentally. I must have been doing it too long because Hizashi knocked on the door.

The sound broke me out of my trance, and I opened the door. He grunted as I slammed into him and hugged him.

"I'm sorry Hizashi, I didn't mean what I said earlier. I'm glad that your here."

Hizashi looked down at me confused before smiling. He said not to worry so much and asked how school was. I looked away and he sighed.

"You didn't pay attention in my class again?"

I chuckled and rubbed the back of my head. I stopped after realizing what I was doing and sighed.

"I didn't pay attention to any class. Too much on my mind."

I told him what I was thinking in class and watched him nod.

"I feel bad about Iida's brother too, but you need to worry about yourself for now. I'm sure he will figure out what he needs to do."

I mumbled under my breath that he needed to get revenge, but Hizashi didn't seem to hear the comment. I decided to let it go and asked him if he was hungry.

He gave me a short nod and I offered to buy pizza.

"Shota would kill me if he found out I let you order pizza."

I frowned and hung my head sadly. Hizashi laughed and grabbed my shoulders and shook me. I looked up and saw that sly glint in his eyes.

"So let's make sure he doesn't find out."

I laughed and agreed. We ate the pizza and threw away the box after ripping it up. Shota wouldn't kill us if he found out, but I didn't want to see his disappointed face if he found out.

It took Shota a few hours to finally come home. I was waking up from taking a nap when I heard yelling.

I got up and ran into the living room. Shota and Hizashi were standing there with three people in front of them. The door was off of its hinges and I knew that the situation wasn't good.

Hizashi came to me and told me to run to the bathroom. I was fully awake now and realized that the three were villains.

Is my father trying to get me again, I thought.

The three looked at each other and nodded. They all wore masks to hide their faces, but their eyes landed on me.

Shota yelled at me this time, but I told him no.

"I'm not going to sit here and do nothing!"

Hizashi said that it wasn't the time to play hero and to just listen. The three moved together and came for me. I braced myself, but Shota stopped them.

He wrapped them in his capture weapon and made sure to use his quirk on them.

Hizashi knocked them out quickly, and I flinched as they fell to the floor. Shota stalked over to me and asked what the hell I was thinking.

"You are still recovering from the last attack Yukine. You should listen when I tell you to do something."

I glared at him but stayed silent. Hizashi tried to make it better by saying that they were just worried about me, but it didn't help. I stomped to my room and slammed the door. I checked under my bed and made sure the window was locked before sitting on my floor.

It was cool compared to my burning skin. I was madder that I didn't hear the villains breaking in than not being able to do anything.

Shota knocked on the door and told me that the villains were gone now. I didn't move from the floor but told him I heard him.

I told myself that I wasn't going to sit by and do nothing, I yelled in my head. What good saying that did.

I sighed and grabbed my phone. I searched to see if anybody reported the villains breaking in, but found nothing. My eyes scanned the news, and put my phone away.

My gaze landed on the medicine that Doctor Bradly gave me and stood up. I grabbed the right amount of pills and swallowed them.

No doubt Shota's going to tell them what happened. Then I'll have to talk about it in therapy with everything else.

I sat on the bed and put my head in my hands. I didn't know what to do next, or who to talk to. Shota and Hizashi would just try to comfort me, and that wouldn't help me now.

My phone rang, making me jump. I pulled it out and got ready to curse at the person who was calling, but didn't when I saw who it was.


I sighed and prepared myself for the conversation I was about to have with him.

And only hoped that he would understand.

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