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(3rd Person POV)


As the Ginjima twins heard their alarm go off, they each sat up. Hitoshi was on the top bunk and (F/N) was on the bottom bunk. (F/N) "lightly" punched her twin's mattress to make sure he was up before mumbling, "Morning, idiot."

Hitoshi climbed down the ladder and gave his sister the middle finger. The two walked out of their room groggily and walked down into the kitchen for breakfast where they were greeted by their older brother, Akira. Akira was a morning person, unlike the twins.

Akira gave Hitoshi and (F/N) some pancakes and smiled, "Good morning!"

Hitoshi was about to swear, but their little sister Hina came sailing in the room, meaning that Hitoshi's vocabulary was limited. Akira smirked, knowing that his little brother wouldn't have his way today.

(M/N) and (Fa/N) walked into the kitchen, greeting all of the kids present with a kiss on the forehead and a "Good morning" before getting a cup of coffee.

Then, Hikaru walked into the kitchen. He said, "Morning." and sat down before eating four pancakes and having two glasses of orange juice. Hikaru was the foodie of the family, so nobody really questioned his appetite. Besides, the whole family could tell that this was only his first serving.

After all the Ginjima siblings were done eating, (M/N) and (Fa/N) left for work, leaving Akira to make sure the others were in school on time.

Waddling up the stairs, (F/N) and Hitoshi headed back to their room to get ready for the first day of school. They were going into their second year of high school at Inarizaki, and they were both in the same class.

Hitoshi scoffed, "Hey, (F/N) you ready?"

Said girl was packing her swim bag, making sure she had her goggles and her practice suit. She shook her head, "Not one bit. We still have the same Miya in our class, right?"

The Miya she was talking about was Atsumu, the Miya that was in their class last year. Atsumu was annoying to her, and that was putting it nicely. She hated being in a class with him since his fans would swarm his desk every day, sometimes blocking the path she needed to take to get into the classroom. She would've preferred Osamu, but sometimes life sucks.

Hitoshi nodded, clearly still not completely awake.

The twins departed so they could get dressed, Hitoshi taking the bathroom and (F/N) staying in the bedroom.

As soon as Hitoshi was done brushing his teeth and (F/N) finished putting on some waterproof mascara, they would switch rooms so (F/N) could brush her teeth and Hitoshi could try to fix his hair.

After they were done with their morning routine, they met Akira, Hikaru and Hina downstairs, said their goodbyes, and started to walk towards their school. Since Hikaru was in middle school and Hina was in primary school, Akira took them while the twins walked. Akira was 21, so he had some free time during the morning.

The walk wasn't that long, considering that (F/N) and Hitoshi only lived like 8 minutes by car.

As soon as they got there, (F/N) was greeted by her medley team. They were on the Inarizaki swim team and they were regarded as the "greatest medley team in Inarizaki history" since they took second place in nationals in their first year.

Breastroke specialist, Kimi Suzuki, called out to the Ginjimas, "OI! (F/N) AND HITOSHI! OVER HERE!"

The medley team knew the twins since middle school, so they were on first name basis. (F/N) jogged up to them, leaving Hitoshi to fend for himself. (F/N) hugged her best friends, "Yo! What class are you all in?"

Backstroke specialist, Mika Yamada, rolled her eyes, "Class 2. I'm with Atsumu again." (F/N) rolled her eyes back, "We can suffer together then."

Butterfly specialist, Emiko Hara, smiled, "I'm with the better Miya, Class 1!" She high-fived Kimi, who was also in Class 1. To her, there was no "better Miya," she just enjoyed teasing (F/N).

Hitoshi finally caught up to them, panting, "G-good grief! I can't with you four!"

(F/N) slapped her twin on the back of the head, "I thought volleyball was supposed to give you stamina!"

Emiko, Mika, and Kimi smiled, they knew the twin's antics.

The relay team put their swim bags in their lockers in the locker room and split up for class.

Mika sighed, and before (F/N) could ask what was wrong, she saw him.

Miya Atsumu.

And his sea of fangirls.

The first thing that went through her head was, This is going to be the worst year ever.

If only she knew how wrong she was.

. . .

Hey hey hey!

So, I'm back with another book!

I actually really like Atsumu, so I'm excited to write this book. I like all the Inarizaki second years, especially Ginjima. He needs more love.

I also got the idea for this book out of nowhere when I was swimming, so I was like, "why the hell not" and here we are. But it was originally going to be an Inarizaki Second Years x Reader book, so if you guys want that, I'll write one of those.

Oya oya oya?


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