Chapter 1 ☕️

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                Finally 2nd semester done! I got out of the classroom speed walking, ready to crash on my bed and get my well deserved sleep... atleast that's what I though. By the time I made it out of the campus I caught a glimpse of a close friend of mine, "TAKE ANOTHER STEP! OR ELSE!" I hear her scream from the far distance I chuckled lightly and when she got here her hands fell to her knees and it looked like she just jumped out of the shower and forget to dry, I mean her entire outfit top was drenched in sweat "Did you have to run? Your in heels for god sake!"  I asked "First of all, I'm willing to kill my feet for a friend. Second of all thIS IS IMPORTANT!" she exclaimed while changing into her flats. When she finished she grabbed me by the arm and started to drag to somewhere I'm not familiar with, first an Asian in an American school now I'm getting lost, if I get kidnappedI swear to god "If we got lost this is your fault" I say while tieing my hair into a high ponytail "don't worry, I promise you won't regret it" she replies "alright then. So kumasta- I mean how are you now? Y'know, with the whole thing about your brother."  I asked, almost saying something she didn't understand "Well he's back in the house and it seems like he's doing alright. Finally stopped doing crack"  " oooookkkk... that's good"  "yeah, speaking of bad habits-"   oh no, she's gonna say it "you gotta dump the bastard!"  Yup she said it, "Grayson is a definite ass but I can't dump him. Not yet atleast, not until I find somewhere safe to move then I can leave him"  her expression turned to disappointed but she smirked then said "Well lucky for you, I think I found some one perfect for you"  "you've said that one too many times, and it always ends the same way; the dude says some flattering words, he walks away cause I'm "Asian" and I'm left there wandering why his trip to the bathroom took 30 minutes" I respond with a slight Asian accent, she laughs a bit and replies "I promise you he's different."  "Alright then but where are we going? If we're gonna meet this dude then why are we going so far?" I asked while questioning my surrounding, it was a small mall district and it seemed like most of the different shops were café's, my friend looks at me and says "Were going to small, underrated cafe. Your future man is a Barista, and I promise you he makes the best coffee!" Well 'a man who's good at making coffee' alright how bad can it be, I sighed "alright fine, I'll give him a chance" her face lit up and we started to walk faster "oh DAMN!" I screamed as she started to run and dodge everyone in front of us. After what seems like 10 minutes of running we finally stop in front of a cafè "Coffee and Tea House"  she looked at me and smiled widely "Here we are!" gesturing her hands up at the sign on top of the glass doors, "we walked inside and immediately I was greeted with smooth jazz music and scent of freshly brewed coffee, the place was very quaint and simplistic and the atmosphere was very warm and soothing. We sat in a small booth in the corner right next to a window, there weren't many people as expected from a cafe. My friend looks at me and says "pretty cool right? The drink are delicious but the place is somehow very underrated" I nodded and scanned around the place till I noticed someone in the counter.

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