Chapter 2 💐

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"You will be punished for your crimes against our god!" Spoke the grand commander. The kitsune was tied in chains but he managed to run and escape to the human world. He hid as a human and became a wandering traveler but even as a human his ears were still seen and visible under the clothing. He wandered the world helping humans and giving them wisdom through the bad times, but one day..."

I woke up to sound of my alarm clock beeping loudly, I tossed my right arm of the bed slapping the side table looking for the alarm clock till I finally slammed the side of my pinky against the edge of the table stopping the alarm clock and giving me the most painful of wake-up call, I flinched up and grunted in pain "Ugh! Well this is one way to start my day" I say shaking my hand to ease the pain. I looked towards the clock and saw on the digital screen "6:00 am" 'well it seems like I woke up on time this time' I chuckled lightly and thought 'maybe today is going to be special'. I tossed the linen blanket to the side and walked to the bathroom 'I wonder if Ms. Alia will show me that friend of hers?' I turned on the faucet and splashed my face with the cold water rubbing my face, I reached for my soap and rubbed it between my hands and quite aggressively rubbed the soap on my face covering myself with lemon scented bubbles. I reached for my closet door and slid it open shuffling my hands around for my uniform "you are the only black polo I own, how are you not in here?" I murmured in slight frustration, after a few minutes of preparing my room, myself and my things I got out of my room and started to prepare myself to leave. "Good Morning Ms. Gabby, the flowers are lovely today" I say while pressing down on the breaks, listening to the tires screech on the wood ground "why hello Horu, I see it's your turn to replace the flowers hmmm?" Ms. Gabby asked while holding a big, fresh batch of roses. Ms. Gabby's flower shop is our café's best supplier for the past 5 years, her flowers were always fresh and vibrant especially during the spring and summer seasons, Ms. Gabby is somewhere in her early 60's, she has long black hair always tied in braids and tan skin, she looks about 5'4 to 5 and she has the most warmest of smiles "Haha, it seems you know me a little to well am I really getting that obvious now?" "Don't sell yourself short Horu it's quite alright it just seems you come to my stall most frequently in fact I think you've become my very first regular customer" she replies to me with that bright smile of hers, "lucky for you I already had the usuals prepared on the ready!" She then brings out one giant bouquet of flowers covering up her entire face, now all we needed was a giant vase then we could have the worlds largest flower bouquet "oh dear Ms. let me help!" I reach out my arms and place my self under the giant bouquet kneeling down as to be able to get all of them without dropping any, as I hold the stem she bring out a small ribbon and ties it around the different flowers separating each as she bunches it all together.

           We finally finished tying the flowers into bunches "Alrighty then, so we have 35 stems of Larkspur, Carnations and Zinnia flowers each all matched in a color scheme of white, pastel purple and pink, did I get those right?" I nodded "Perfect, since the color scheme of the cafe beige, white and dark gray the colors highlight each other quite well and they give off a very wonderful pop of color to the place" We both got up and started to tie the bouquet to the back seat of the bike making sure they don't end up falling off "Hey Horu, you've worked in the cafe for so long and yet there's not much publicity, why is that?" Ms. Gabby asked, I turned my head towards her and thought a bit "well that's something that I do not know off since our manager never told us any information about it but what I think is that, not many people really know about the place. Our shop is located in the far back of the mall district and not many people bother to go there but when customers do come then they are very pleased with our drinks"  "oh I see but then why are there not many customers?" Ms. Gabby asked in a slight concerned tone "Well this is just a theory but maybe it's because we don't have enough barista's working with us. More people usually show up during the fall and winter season and our shop is one of the few cafes that are open during that time but because of the lack of baristas it takes us longer to give out orders especially when the customers order the more complex drinks" she nods at me and says in a sort of teasing manner  "well once you manage to make the place famous make sure you don't forget about my little flower shop" I chuckle a bit and respond "don't worry Ms. Gabby we won't forget about you"  I hope on my bike and wave good-bye. As I started to make my way to the mall district I though 'hmm I wonder if that was reason my day was so special?'

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