Chapter 3 💐

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I finally made it to the cafe 'it seems that Matteo is already inside' I thought as I pushed the door open with my back holding the bundle of flowers "Woah hold on I got it!" Matteo screams from the counter, then I hear quick foot steps going my way "Here we go!" He helps me lift the bouquet towards the counter, gently laying then on the table as to not destroy any of them but I know too well that Matteo is not the gentle type so he ends up slamming a few of the against the ground "Matteo please be careful! Ms. Gabby took really good care of these for us" I scolded him as I started to untie the flowers, he scoffed at me and replies in an insulting tone "geez! sorry mister softy" I ignore him and start to separate each of the flowers and pile them into bundles that I'll soon use as center pieces for the tables "Why do you even bother to replace the flowers anyways? Not many people come to the cafe so isn't this just a waste of time?" He asked resting his head on the edges of his knuckles "Even though not many customers come here that doesn't mean we can let this place go to waste. I believe the place could still prosper even with the lack of customers" he roles his eyes and sighs "I'm surprised you still have hope for this please Horu. It's almost amazing how positive you are."

I gather up and few of the bundles and said "well if your not going to anything but sulk then why don't you help me with the flowers" "ugh! Fine!" He begrudgingly gets up and gets the remaining flowers on the desk "you can take the ones near the walls, Ill take the ones in the center" carefully I start to to put each of the flowers into the small, rectangular porcelain vases each are filled with random streak marks but all the same colors to match the scheme of the restaurant. I reach towards the sign of the door and flip it from close to open "we are now open for business" I say with joy as I soon hear Matteo scoff, time passes as we fill out orders and serve our customers with our best coffee's and latte's, even if not many people show up in our cafe we still strive to be our best but what I've seen lately it seem like only a few of us are 'I wonder when Alia will arrive..' I thought as wipe of the coffee of the steamer and start to fix up the counter. When we finished I noticed Alia walk in with someone beside her, she looked quite different; slightly shorter than the average people I'd see around, hair tied in a bun and was very pristine and neat but she didn't seem to be one of those rude types, even if she wasn't smiling the vibe she gave was warm and if I do say welcoming "I'm guessing this one Alia was talking about" I muttered under my breathe smiling a bit. After some time Alia got up and walked towards the counter "Hey Horu, Jackass." "Hey I'm not a jackass! But if you were gonna insult can you atleast use something better" he pleaded "fine, how about asshole?" He looked away and replied in a resonant tone "good enough" I chuckled and looked to Alia and asked "is this is woman you told me about yesterday Ms. Alia?" she looked at me and smirked "Yes! She's a bit tensy and quiet at first but once you get those layers away she's a very amazing person" "If you make her sound this unique then I'm quite excited, but I'm also here to serve you so what would you like?" She looked at the menu behind me and says"ok I'll get a caramel macchiato and a mocha Frappuccino" "alright then, this it's been quite a while since I've made my own proper Frappuccino" "oh crap I forgot you specials are Frapps.!" I silently laugh a bit and respond while handing over the receipt "it's quite alright, don't worry and your bill is $9.15. Matteo please give her the change I will start making the orders" "yes sir"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2020 ⏰

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