Chapter 9: The Truth Untold

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"Where is Taehyung? I want to see him..." Jungkook said which made his parents speechless while looking at each other.

His mom sat beside him and held his hand.
"I'm going to tell you something please don't be mad" His mom said

"What is it?" Jungkook asked with low voice since he needs more time to get recover.

"Hoseok's heart is incapable to you because it's too small... While Taehyung's heart is perfect for you. That's why..."

"That's why?" Jungkook asked confused but his eyes are getting teary.

"Taehyung... became the donor"

"Don't prank me mom. It's not funny." Jungkook still trying not to cry

"I know it's not. We are also sad about what happened" His mom said

"Are you serious?" Jungkook asked as his mom nodded. Jungkook tears totally fell

"I'm so sorry." his mom said

"I---I didn't even had the chance to- to tell him how much I love him! How important he is to me!" Jungkook said while crying. His mom hugged him

"I'm so sorry." His mom said

"Please tell, this is a hidden camera. Tell me it's not true. Tell me it's all lie. Tell me, it's just a surprise celebration. Please mom. Tell me please."

"Im sorry" all his mom can do is to apologize because she accepted the offer of Taehyung

Jungkook can't stop crying. His heart feels broken and it hurts. His mom hugged him tight. Jungkook hoped that he at least told Taehyung how important he is. How Jungkook love Taehyung so much.

And Jungkook hoped that... he at least told Taehyung that... he completed the song Euphoria because of Taehyung.

Days and weeks passed, Jungkook recovered from the surgery and got out of the hospital but still not moved on about Taehyung.

He keeps sleeping at Taehyung's room. Keep smelling his clothes. Keep hugging his pillows. Keep trying to remember all their moments together.

As one day, he remembered something... I mean, someone.

He texted his guy's best friend

"Jimin, it's me. Can we meet please? At the restaurant"

"Sure! I've been waiting for your text!" Jimin replied and that day, they met at the same restaurant where Taehyung and Jungkook first met and where they last ate dinner together.

At the restaurant...
"I'm sorry about Taehyung" Jungkook said feeling shy and guilty

"It's okay. Taehyung did his best for you. He loves you Jungkook. So much. Maybe, he just chose the right decision" Jimin said while smiling

"Thank you for understanding. But he is your friend"

"You are also my friend. And you can be my best friend. You have my best friend's heart, it means, you are my best friend."

Jungkook didn't respond, he just smiled.

"Okay here..." Jimin took something from his bag and gave it to Jungkook "...listen to this when you got home and you understand everything." Jimin said as Jungkook took it

"A recorder?" Jungkook asked confused

"Yes. Just listen to it. It's worth it" Jimin said as Yoongi came.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you" Yoongi said

"No no. It's okay. You can go now. Let's just hang out next time" Jungkook said to Jimin

"Okay okay. Bye Jungkook. Listen to it. Okay? Always text me!" Jimin said while waiving and Jungkook waved back.

I wonder what this is... Is it a song? Maybe I should just listen to it when I got home.

Jungkook went to every places he went with Taehyung together. He remember all the moments and memories.

(We can't remember dates, we can remember moments)

When he got home, he texted Jimin.
"I got home. See you next time"

"Okay. Can't wait to see you again. Listen to it" Jimin replied as Jungkook remember the recorder.

He took it and sat down on his bed.

When he play it, he realized... It's Taehyung.

"Is it recording?... Okay. Hi Jungkook. It's me, Taehyung. Since you are listening to this, I guess it's too late. I can't be with you anymore.

Do you still feel guilty? Do you still crying every night? Do you still trying to remember all our memories?

Please don't feel guilty. Please don't cry. And please... don't live with our memories.

Please meet some new people. Make new memories. And be happy. Don't be sad because of someone like me.

Are you still mad at me? Because I left you even I promised? You know, promises meant to be broken. I'm sorry

I have TRUTH about myself that I didn't tell you and kept it UNTOLD

The truth is that I have a brain tumor. A worst brain tumor. My life is limited. I can't live long like a normal person. I will die in any second. But then, you said you have Cardiomyopathy, and since that moment, I promised myself that I'll do everything for you to lived.

Then... You need a heart donor. I'm willing to give it so I didn't hesitated and talked to your parents.

Don't be mad at them. I begged them not to tell you anything.

But when one survived, the other go back home

To you, I'm your best friend bur for me, you are my everything. You are the reason why I complete my song and was able to upload it on YouTube.

Now that you have my heart, don't ever think that you are alone. I'm here. I'm here with you. I'm right there... in your heart. Take care of my heart, okay?

Always remember that, everything we did, everything I said before and the song I did, was all dedicated to you.

The guy who started to be my idol as Cooky Bunny then became my friend. Actually, I didn't saw as a friend since I fell in love at first sight.

When you feel sad, lonely, happy, and in love, just listen to the song I made for you, it's worth it just like you, it's worth it.

I'm really sorry if I hide my illness. I just don't want you to get worry and to get hurt because of me.

I guess it's getting too long. Okay, let me say this for one last time.

You are my best friend, brother and also the guy I love. I love you Jungkook, always remember that."

All Jungkook did is cry while listening to Taehyung's message.

"Now... I understand" Jungkook whispered to himself as he hugged the recorder trying to feel Taehyung in his arms.

He took his phone and texted Taehyung's phone which now is nowhere to found

"I love you. Please in our next lives, can we love each other like a normal couple without any illness?" and sent it to 'My Unknown Guy'

(Taehyung's phone recieved text from 'My Destiny')

And for the last time, Jungkook said his last words before he decided to get moved on and enjoy his life with Taehyung heart.

"I love you Taehyung..."

BTS TaeKook AU - The Truth UntoldWhere stories live. Discover now