Chapter 1:

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You know that feeling? When you know something just isnt right? When something wont go "as planned"? When something is about to change your whole life?


Chapter 1: A bad day's beginning

"Mom, dont you think they should close school, forever?" I said aprovingly.

"Cora, I know its your first day at a new school and your nervous but think about all the other kids who are going to be going through the same thing your going through. You arent the only first year student." she said motherly.

"Hhhh I know, I know but im just afraid. Afraid to be alone." I looked up at the gloomy sky and sighed. How could my mom understand? How could anyone understand?

My mom told me I better go otherwise I will miss my bus. She kissed my forehead and I grabed my backpack. I headed towards the door and I could see my best friend, Paola. Now, your probly wondering why am I freaking out over something so stupid. Yes its first year of highschool but what could be so special? Well, this is far from a regular, just a highschool. In your world, you think that unicorns and magical powers are fake. But in my reality, all that is more than true. In my reality, everyone has a special power. For instinse, my mom has the power of wind. My dad has the power of strength. My friend, Paola, she can touch any object that has a past, present, future, whether its from a person touching it or when it was being made. Me, I have the power of, um, well, im not ganna lie to you but, I dont have a power. I dont know if its not developed yet or I just dont have a power. Their have only been one person known in history to not have a power. I looked it up.

Me and Paola got onto the bus. We barely could find a place to sit, the bus was jambed pack with students. We saw a seat which was right behind the driver, she didnt look too pleasant. She had moles and alot of blemishes on her skin, all over her arms and face. She was a mouth breather and took deep breathes. With her arms being stretched out across the space to the steeringwheel, her underarms had sweat stains. We took the seat and their was a faint smell of, i dont even want to know. Snikers could be heard from the back of the bus. Paola gave me a discusted face and i just turned to the window thinking, i should have just stayed home.


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