Chapter 3:

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Chapter 3: Head down filled with shame.

I came upon the girl's bathroom and I dropped my things give in that I wont need them anymore. I walked over to the sink and stared down and thought of the possibilities of my future. My head lifted and my eyes came upon themselves in the mirror. I stood their thinking, thinking about what just happened. The next thing I noticed, I was talking to myself.

"Look at yourself, who are you? What are you? Nothing is all you will ever be. You dont have a power, no matter what anyone says, you will always be a nothing." I "reasured" myself and went to my things and picked them up. My hand reached for the door but it opened. Paola was frozen in front of me just staring. She suddenly moved and gave me a hug.

"Paola, im sorry but I have to go."

"Wait! Cora! What happened back their? You were ready! You had your power at your finger tips. What ha-" she couldnt finish.

"Paola, I dont want to talk about it! Im done with trying and hoping for some kind of miracle to make me normal but it will never happen! I have to go." I replyed.

"Where are you going to go? Your mom will wonder why you arent in school." she warned.

"I dont care, im just ganna go home, and im never coming back." My final words were strong and I was free to go past her but not past the principal.

"Cora, meet me in my office, now."

The bell rang and Paola had to leave for her next class. I wandered to the principal's office. I sat down in her fancy chair and it felt like forever as we stared at each other.

"So, what do you mean you arent coming back?" she asked professionaly.

"I am oviously a first year and I was in schedule placement when I, well the teacher, announced that I didnt have a power. But, instead of waisting time hearing about my worthless problems we should just get to the point, detention, expoltion, or maybe jail, for what? Not having a power which im sorry that my genes arent in my favor but I really have no control." I said while getting up. I started to walk towards the door when she asked me a question.

"Wait, you think im going to punish you for something this nonscence?" she looked at me like I was crazy.

"Well that is what normaly happens right? I mean, come on this is a society of power, and if you dont have a power, then your done," I paused and i looked away to gather my thoughts,"did you know that their was only one person in history who didnt have a power? And you want to know what they did to him? They burnt him, inside his own home, alive. You know that saying of live everyday like it was your last? Well, I better start now because I just might not get to see tomorrow." I made one final glare and I walked out. I had a feeling that that woman cared because of that lone tear in her eye but in reality it was all an act. I dont belong. I could hear her calling my name behind me as i walked out. If my "fellow" neighbors really wanted to kill me than I pray for them to make it quick. I dont want to suffer on my last breath.

"Cora, wait, Cora!" I heard a voice I barely reconized, yet it was too easy, Tyler. I turned around to see him walking towards me, looking into my eyes. The only thing I had on my mind was, how to say goodbye.

"Cora are you ok? I mean the teacher yelled at you to get out! I cant believe this! Is what he said true? You dont have a power?" he asked with those big brown eyes.

"Yes. Its all true. I dont know why I dont have a power. Ever sinse I was 13, i knew i was missing something, that i was different from paola, you, and from everyone." I replyed. I knew he would be so upset with me, everyone would, who could blame them.

"where are you going to go? How come you cant stay? Just because you dont have a power doesnt mean you cant be in this school. You belong here, Cora." i saw a twinkle of care in his eyes. Ugh, how i wanted to just lean up and kiss those big pink lips that just sit their in a frown. I grew even sadder at that thought. I knew i cant stay here.  I will die without doing the thinks i love. "i...i cant stay here. I just cant. Yes i dont have a power but i am so ready to have a killer around the corner ready to be my murderer. I have to go before i get to attached to," i so ungodly wanted to say you but some part of me didnt,"this.... Place." i gave him a look between sorry and goodbye. My body began to turn and i some how expected a hand telling me 'you will be safe in my arms' but just how things natraly work, nothing. I kept walking but i didnt want to go home, i wanted to go to a new place, free, safe. I thought about my life before now and i cant believe i havent relized this before, i mean it officialy sank in. I played with my friends and all of them had an advantage. I was always, no matter what, i was always left in the dark. I thought about what my other options are for getting a power but i couldnt come up with anything. I thought about what my family will think. But then my parents. Wouldnt they already know, about me not having a power? So what, they have been keeping this from me? For how long? I feel so stupid and infiragated! I relized i couldnt think clearly any more and thats because i heard sirins belonging to a police car. I looked behind me and saw them tailing up on me. I began to run faster and faster. I glanced over into the forest right next to me and thought it would be good protection considering it is pretty thick. I knew my only opptions were forest or die.

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