Chapter 4:

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Chapter 4: Interuptions

I knew police officials could run pretty fast but i could be faster. I felt like i was flying through the trees. Thats when i tripped. My face hit the ground so hard, my nose started to bleed. I tasted the blood run into my mouth. The iron was too strong and i started to feel my breakfast come up to my throught. In a few minutes i saw the officials run up to me and backaway. Then i relized why, my rotten breakfast was the best to smell. I did not want to get up, for one, i didnt want to get in trouble, or worse, death. Second, i just vomited and i didnt feel the best. One man was brave and reached down to pick me up and the other pitched in to help. I could barly walk let alone stand. My feet draged all the way to the car. They shoved me in the backseat. I stared at the men through the metal gate which was power proof but with me just sitting here, what harm could i really do. They were talking about what would happen if i hurled in the backseat. I couldnt agree with them more.

"where are you taking me?" i demanded.

"to the law station, where else." the official in the passenger seat said.

"hey, quiet back their. Fellions are not supposed to talk," the official driving told me then talked to his partner, "rodger, dont talk to her! You know that!"

"matt i can handle myself. What harm can she do, seriously." rodger told matt.

"so what am i really being put away for?" i was mainly speaking to rodger.

"um well..."

Matt interupted rodger, "look, i told you dont speak. Rodger you got to shut your mouth too."

"sorry matt its just im getting super lonely back here and i thought that i could know my reasonings. I dont mean any harm by asking a couple questions."

"oh its ok miss. Matt's just a little grumpy, dont ask why though. He will definetly flip his lid." rodger and i both laughed at this but matt only seemed to get even madder.

"rodger! Do not speek towards the fellion!," he turned around to look at me, "And miss i asked you once, i asked twice, how many times do i have to ask you to..." i looked through the windsheild and straight at the oncoming car in front of us. I just closed my eyes and let the pain of death strike me. Better done by an unknown car than known people. I felt myself tumble on to the seat. My head pounded from it hitting so hard. My heart was scared, pounding. All i could see was white. Was i in heavon? No i couldnt be. Why would they want a person who was so worthless. I thought to myself i must be dieing, seeing my white light as my brain started its fineto, finish. As i lay their waiting for me to stop. I couldnt, my eyes, my soul, my brain and heart felt alive. My eyes opened to a new world, no, to the same one. The backseat was almost seen as untouched by damage yet the rest of the car was totled and so was matt and rodger. Both their heads were bleeding, so were my eyes. Each tear dropping for them, their pain, and loved ones. I knew this was my getaway. I was very upset that i wasnt killed in the car crash along with rodger and matt. But i was also so confused on to why i survived. The metal gate was the key, it had to of been. For people with super strength. I felt myself get clausterfobic in the backseat. I felt like a mime in an odd way, trapped in one of those boxes. I knew my way out, but it wasnt going to be easy nor pretty.

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