the start of it all

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((Seven POV))

I wake up freezing and tired, I look around calming down slightly as I realise I'm in my room. last night I didn't sleep very good. The dream I had was terrifying

*flash back to the dream*

Where are they?! I've been looking for over an hour and I still haven't found them.
I keep walking, making sure to look in every direction. I'm about to give up before I notice somthing In the corner of my eye, I almost puke on first glance. I run over as quickly as I can, I yell out two names but cant makeout what i said "___!what happened to you!" No answer. I dont recognize theres two people but in my dream I seem to be friends with them. Just as I'm able to gently lift one of them into my arms a hoard of somthing starts running after me. I accidentally trip over a small piece of wire sticking out of the ground "shit" I curse quietly trying to get my foot unstuck. But to no avail as the mob of zombies?? Come and start ripping me to pieces.
*end dream*
And that's when I woke up. At 2am... i guess i didn't get much sleep, I need to get ready for school so I grab my blue turtle neck and a random pair of Jean's.
I sneak quietly down the stairs, carefully not to wake my abusive father up dont be more of a fuck up then you already are I tell myself this every morning when I see him passed out drunk on the old disgusting looking couch. Old and disgusting,just like him.
I open the creaky door to the house and step into the semi fresh air, I live on the bad part of town.
I start walking to school seriously considering not even showing up, it's not that I'm a bad kid or I dont want to, no I would love to get into a good college that's not the problem theres this group of assholes that make sure to push me around and be as mean as possible.
"hey pips quik"
someone says shoving my shoulder not so gently as him and his goons start laughing obnoxiously, I roll my eyes and continue walking. They dont follow luckily.
I notice an absence of alot of the students,that's odd i think to myself i shrug my shoulders probably nothin
I hear the bell ring, as I make my way to class I accidentally bump into someone knocking myself over in the process
"Ow" i rub my elbows that caught the fall
"Oh my god are you okay?"
I nod still sitting on the cold dirty floor
"Here let me help you up, I should have watched where I was going"
I shake my head disapprovingly
"It was my fault I was in a hurry to get to class-oh shoot class! I gotta go!"
Before I can leave he grabs my wrist
"What's your name before you go?"
"O-oh um you can just call me seven"

"I'm mono,I'll see you around"
I nod before sprinting to my class.

"Hello class,today we'll be talking abou-" I dose off into my own little world as the teacher goes on about who knows what why do I keep thinking about that boy? I don't even know him, yet he looks so familiar-
The big speaker starts going off interrupting the teacher and my thoughts
and then it cuts out and everyone starts packing up there things panicking it dosent bother that much  an unknown virus? That's wierd my dream seemed kinda like that. Oh well.
I start packing up my things aswell

I hope my dads not home today,that would suck mabey he went to the bar early today? I hope so.

I walk out of the class room and into the hall that is no longer full because of all the panicking, i wonder if that boys still here? Agh stop thinking about him your acting like a teenage girl.wait no no no teenage girls have crushes on the other person I dont like mono I dont I'm not gay.
Before I know it I'm back at the house I quietly ,or as quietly as I can open the front door looking to the right to see if my 'dads' home and to my luck hes not. I decide to just go to my room and read and listen to the small radio I have theres a strange commercial on its talking about stocking up on food and water it starts freaking me out a little bit I wonder how my moms doing. I dont really ever talk to my mom she's nicer than my 'dad' but she left me with him for another man so I dont like her to much atleast she dosent hit you. I decide to go to bed early as I shut off the lights the last thing I think about before I go to sleep is that boy from school named mono.

Hello again! Thank u for checking out this book it means alot :) tell me what u think. and I'll most likely not have anymore authors notes until the last chapter cause I know they can get kind of annoying lol I tried to make the chapter longer anyways staysafe and have a nice day/night 💙

MY HERO ((Mono X Seven)) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now