Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Lyndy was waiting for them to come out the Forest and Sarah had just turned up after sorting out the staff to place the flares for the helicopter, it wasn't dark anymore but it would help the Pilot and show which way the winds blowing .
Lyndy saw them emerge from the woods and ran to her Granddaughter,  when Lyndy and Sarah saw what Amy looked like she burst out crying,  her head and face were battered and so much Blood in her beautiful hair. Lyndy took a photo of Amy hoping she could use it to get help finding the suspect by playing the sympathy card. The Helicopter was just Landing so she asked the EMT's which Hospital they would take her too.
First Surgical Hospital Houston.
Thankfully the Ranch is about 2 Hour's from Houston but traveling 4 hours a day is still too much so Lyndy is going to stay in a Hotel and sort out some body guards of her own to protect her Little Girl. Amy may be 22 almost 23 years old but she's still her Little Girl and only relative.

The Helicopter takes off and Lyndy goes to pack a case. She even takes her large Thermos and her insulated Coffee cup.
Lyndy and Sarah get to Houston and Sarah takes Lyndy to the Nearest Hotel which is just a 10 minute walk from the Hospital,  they park the Truck in the Hotel car park and she books herself a room, of course when she gives them her credit card they can't do enough for her, Her name gave it away as the Bartlett's are Multi  Millionaires but the way Lyndy and Amy behave and act you wouldn't know it.  She thanks them and asks if they would make sure her Bags get to her room as her Granddaughter is in critical condition and she needs to get to the Hospital down the road.
They finally get to reception to book in and are told to wait for the Doctor who is helping her Granddaughter.

Sarah asks Lyndy if shes okay , she nods her head but Sarah can tell that Lyndy is worried sick.
After about about ten minutes a Doctor came out and called her name , Lyndy put her hand up then stood up walking towards the Doctor while still holding Sarah's hand. The Doctor asked them to follow her to her office.
They all sat and the Doctor introduced herself as Doctor Henderson,  Lyndy Introduced Sarah then doctor Henderson proceeded to inform them of Amy's condition.
"Your Granddaughter is a very lucky young woman who by rights should be dead, the actions of her attacker actually saved her life. There's no brain damage thankfully but she does have swelling on her brain which we are controlling with drugs and clotting agents to prevent any hemoraging, although to look at her you would expect there to be more damage. Her head and face were beaten very badly, but she will heal and I dont expect there to be any scarring. Amy was drowned,  but after what the police suspect happened,  the attacker emptied her lungs of water by the way he carried her away and by leaving her in the position on her stomach in the tree made sure she was able to continue to breath. She lost a lot of Blood from the head trauma so is receiving blood transfusions.  Now we are going to treat Amy with Antibiotics due to the pond water in her lungs and injections to help disperse any fluid that may still be in her lungs.  Do you have any questions Mrs Bartlett. "
"Actually I'm concerned for her safety so I will be supplying my own Bodyguards and I would like Amy to have a Private Suite please".
"That's perfectly acceptable and we will get her upstairs straight away,  do you want us to put Bodyguards on her  until your own take over".
"Yes Please Dr Henderson ".
They left the office with a nurse to take them both to see Amy.
Normally Lyndy wouldn't of bothered with a private Suite, they didn't like bringing attention to themselves or showing off, but in this case it would be a lot easier to keep Amy safe and away from the public areas.
As they approached Amy's room Lyndy got butterflies in her stomach not knowing what to expect.
They entered her room and Amy looked ten times better after they had cleaned her up,  all her head and part of her face were bandaged up, but her breathing was normal now.
Sarah pointed out to Lyndy how her hands looked, "She definitely put up a fight Lyndy, her attacker must look like hell".
"I wonder if officer James is aware of this fact". Lyndy mentioned.
Sarah excused herself and went to phone officer James to see if he was aware of the state of Amy's fists.

James was writing down in his notes what Sarah had just informed him of, there was so much blood when they found her it was hard to tell. Thankfully while cleaning Amy up one of the nurses cleaned out her nails and put everything in a seal proof plastic bag incase she clawed him and they may find DNA of who did this.
He'd called in one of his best Detective's to take the case and needed to introduce her to Lyndy.  Detective Harris was in her late twenties but had the mindset of a bloodhound and thought out of the box to all scenarios however weird they may seem. She was good at her Job and this was her kind of case.

Detective Harris sat in front of the desk , her and James had been talking about the case for an hour and they both wondered about why he put her in the tree. Jane (Detective Harris) thought that maybe he knew they would look for a body or a grave, so by putting Amy in the tree he thought she wouldn't be found.
James explained that it was because she was alive and still dripping blood that they found her,  had she been dead the dogs wouldn't have barked as there would be no blood on the floor to find and therefore they wouldn't of looked up into the tree.
James explained to Jane about the phone call from Sarah about Amy's knuckles and how she would of fought back.
Jane asked if Amy was a fighter but James explained about her past and due to her Looks and figure she got a lot of unwanted attention and lads physically trying to grope her so Duke taught her how to defend herself.
So if she fought back, whoever attacked her would have some wounds showing.
James put out a call to all the patrol officers of what to look out for and to do some leg work checking Bars and Cafes .

To be continued

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