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The sun started to seep through the shades, illuminating some of the room. Freddie groaned, turning over back and forth in the bed before laying on his back, yawning as he stretched his body. With his eyes still closed, he turned to face his right, where Daniel would be laying.

"Good morning Daniel." Freddie greeted, his voice gravely.

When there was no response, Freddie thought his lover was still sleeping. With a small smirk, he reached his arm out, but nothing was there except for an empty space. Freddie quickly sat up, opening his eyes to confirm that there was no one beside him.

"Daniel!" Freddie called out, but there was no response.

Freddie got up from the bed and checked the bathroom. There was no one there. Freddie started to panic inside, but told himself that Daniel could be downstairs. Usually he would be there first one up making coffee for the morning.

Calming down a bit, Freddie put on a robe and loosely tied it around his waist. He headed downstairs and when there wasn't any scent of coffee, Freddie's heart started race even more.

"Daniel? Where are you?" Freddie asked.

The couch looked untouched, the television wasn't on, not even the radio. The cats were meowing because they were hungry, which made Freddie started to freak out a little more. He checked the bathroom downstairs, which was completely empty.

"Daniel? This isn't funny. Where are you?!" Freddie called out.

That's when Freddie entered the kitchen. Looking around at first glance, everything was untouched. The glasses from last night were still sitting next to the sink, the way they set them yesterday. Even the black box that contained Daniel's ring was still sitting on the counter

In the corner of Freddie's eye, something shining in the light caught his eye. He looked over and noticed the ring sitting delicately on top of a folded piece of paper that read Freddie on top.

At this point, Freddie's heart started pounding out of his chest as he didn't know what to feel. He moved the ring to the side and unfolded the note. As his eyes scanned the letters on the page, Freddie's anger started rise more and more.

He didn't even finished it. Freddie, half way through the letter, threw the paper to the ground, stomping on it, crumpling it up and throwing it against a wall. He made his way into the living room, taking the frame that was recently given to him of the two of them and threw it to the ground, smashing it into millions of pieces.

Freddie picked up the picture, through all the glass, cutting his hand, took his lighter, and burned the picture until it was complete ash. The tree was knocked down to the ground, smashing all the ornaments that hung upon its branches.

With one final yell, Freddie fell back into the couch, clutching his bleeding hand. His eyes focused on only on his bloody hand, refusing to look at the complete mess he just made.

That's when Phoebe entered the room, gasping at the mess that had just happened. "My god, Freddie! What happened?"

"I'm bleeding." Freddie mumbled.

Phoebe's eyes went wide. "Oh my god- we have to take you to the hospital, now."

Phoebe scrambled to find a damp towel to place on Freddie's hand as Freddie slowly stood up, walking towards the staircase.

"Where are you going?" Phoebe asked, grabbing Freddie's forearm.

Freddie shrugged his arm away. "I have to change, dear. I can't go looking like this."

"Freddie, you have open wounds on your hand-"

"Let me change!" Freddie snapped.

Phoebe nodded, letting Freddie do his own thing. Obviously something happened, and it wasn't good. "I'll wait for you in the kitchen."

As Freddie trudged up the stairs, Phoebe went into the kitchen. There, he found the ring sitting on the counter, then the empty black box. Upon inspection, he found it was a gold ring with four diamonds on the top of it. Not wanting to ruin it, he placed it back in the box where it would be safely kept.

He was about to walk out when he stepped on something that crunches underneath his foot. Picking it up he found it was a crumpled piece of paper. Phoebe was about to throw it away when he realized it had lettering all over it. He carefully unraveled it and upon further inspection found it was from Daniel, Freddie's boyfriend.

"This doesn't look too good." Phoebe muttered to himself.

"Phoebe, dear, are you ready?" Freddie asked from the hallway.

"Y-yes, hold on." Phoebe, in quick reaction, placed the letter inside one of the drawers that he knew Freddie wouldn't go into.

"The bleeding isn't going to stop itself." Freddie said irritably.

Phoebe joined Freddie in the hallway. "Well, if you didn't put your hand in the shattered glass, then we wouldn't have this problem. What were you doing, anyways?"

"Oh, the children were playing and took things too far." Freddie said nonchalantly.

Phoebe nodded his head slowly, looking over to see the broken picture frame that Daniel had given him just yesterday for Christmas. Missing was the picture inside. "Yes, I see."

"Where's Daniel?" Phoebe asked.

Phoebe saw Freddie tense up, his hand clasping and unclamping a fist. "Haven't seen him this morning." He replied dryly. "Must've went out. Now, can we go before I fucking bleed out."

Phoebe nodded his head. "Yes, let's go."

Freddie and Me {Freddie Mercury Story} - UNDER REVISIONSWhere stories live. Discover now