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"Master!!!!" you screamed out

And in a split second he was gone. You lost the game

Everything had failed. All your hard work and for what? To have everything be taken away. The place you called home was no longer. And to top it all off you lost your master. Now you're here, in some abandoned building with the rest of the gang.

"I'm going out" you said as you approached the door

"Again Y/n? You know Dabi isn't going to be happy when he wakes up and finds out what you've been doing" said Toga as she played with her knives

"It'll be fine Toga" you said "Well later guys, I won't be back for a while so try not to miss me too much!The night is young~"You cheekily said as you walked out and closed the door

"Damn brat. She always wants to worry me to death" muttered Tomura

You walked down the streets of the city trying to find your next prey. As you were walking you passed by a bar and out stumbled a man who seemed to be in his mid 20s. As his eyes locked onto you he gave you a flirty whistle. He stumbled towards you and wrapped his arm around your shoulders "Hey there beautiful~ wanna come with me and have some fun~"

You smirked at him. You leaned over and whispered in his ear "Sure thing, but how bout I show you a good time~"

"Lead the way doll face~"

So now here you were in some dark alleyway having a make out session with some unknown drunk.

This wasn't the first time you've done this. Ever since you've failed at kidnapping Bakugo and lost your master you haven't been the same. You had fallen into a small depression and you've been going out every night to serve as some kind of distraction.

Things were getting pretty heated with you and the guy until he was suddenly pulled back. You looked over to see who it was that stopped your fun and it was non other than Dabi. And he wasn't looking too happy

"What the hell man?! Can't you see we're busy" said the drunkard

Dabi said nothing as he covered the guys mouth and set him on fire. As the flames died down you looked at Dabi.

"Hey Dabi you're awake" you said lazily "Did you enjoy the show"

He rolled his eyes "Loved it" he said sarcastically

You sighed "Nice to hear but I wanted to kill him. I was gonna eat him after we finished. But I guess now I'll have to find someone new. Later" you started to walk away until you felt a hand grasp onto your arm

You turned around to see Dabi and his eyes held absolute rage. He tightened his grip on you "We are not done talking"

He yanked you close to him and pushed you up against the wall. He used one hand to pin your hands above your head and used the other to grab you by the face and make you look at him

You were now on high alert "D-Dabi?"

"What the fuck do you think you're doin?" He growled

"What do you mean?" You questioned

"Are you acting or are you plain stupid?!" he yelled as he punched the wall next to you which caused you to flinch

"I'm out cold for days and when I wake up the first thing I see is everyone in some worn down room and you are nowhere to be found. Now imagine my surprise when I am told by your precious brother that you've been going out late at night to go hoeing around with some random drunks you pick off the street!"

You have never seen him like this and if you were honest with yourself he was scaring you. You started to tremble a little "I-I'm sorry. I was just trying to distract myself from our failed mission"

"And you thought fucking around with some drunks was the way to go?! Especially when you constantly say shit about liking me!"He said to you.

You remained silent. You were so scared of him. It's like he has gone crazy and you know crazy

"If fucking around with guys is what you want to distract you then that's what I'll do!" All of a sudden he kissed you harshly. He kept your hands pinned above your head with one hand while the other roamed down to your waist.

He forced his tongue into your mouth and didn't leave any area untouched.

You had tears streaming down your face. You've always wanted to be with him but not like this. You tried to break free from him but that resulted in him biting down harshly on your bottom lip which was now bleeding

"Don't resist. Isn't this what you've always wanted?" He whispered before attacking your neck. Leaving bite marks everywhere.

"N-not like this. Please let's just talk about this- Ah!" You screamed as you felt him bite down harshly. You couldn't stand this anymore. You mustered up all your strength and pushed him off of you. You started to run away leaving him behind

He watched as your figure disappeared from sight. He groaned and held his head "What the fuck was that? Why the hell did I do that" he asked himself

He could not believe what he had just done to you. It was as if something inside him snapped and he was no longer the same.

He looked down at his hands scared and wide eyed. "I'm turning into him." He said to himself.

You kept running. You ran all the way back to the L.O.Vs new hideout. You tried to calm yourself down before entering. As you walked up the stairs of the abandoned building you couldn't help but wonder what just happened. As you were lost in thought you ran into Tomura in the hall.

"Oh you're back early, how did..." he stopped mid sentence. The display in front of him was horrifying. Your red and puffy eyes, your tear stained cheeks, your bloody lip, and what made him absolutely infuriated were the marks all across your collarbone and neck.

You tried to quickly walk past him but he held onto your arm which caused you to panic

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" You yelled

He let go and looked at you wide eyed .

You then realized what happened and quickly ran to your room slamming the door.

Tomura was furious. He's never seen you like this and was ready to murder the one responsible

"Hey handyman what happened?" Questioned Toga as she appeared

"I don't know. But someone is going to die"

Oooo this is one weird chapter.

I also have a question for people who have watched Attack on Titan.

Do you also simp for Levi ?

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