[OG] Prologue: Who I Am

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A/N 8/12/2022: Alright, for the next few chapters, they are gonna be labeled "OG" because these are the original chapters for this book, the rewritten chapters of this book will come out at least once a month or so, since I'll be back in school, but if you want to, you can read the original version that I made 2 years ago, the rewritten chapters will be labeled "RE". Anyway, if you want, read these original chapters and the rewritten ones will come out soon


??? POV
You may not know who I am but let me give you a rundown on who the hell I am. I am who they call Ghost, Shadow, Reaper, and one that confuses me but I like it and it's "The Thing That Should Not Be." It makes sense honestly because of the way I kill these mask with my katana and my trusty F1 I had when I was in the military. I hate and kill every mask I see for everything I've seen when I was at Afghanistan. I saw them rape or kill every person in the worst ways every I have seen. I've seen them rape kids and women alike, I've seen them kill my whole squad in front of my eyes with cold blood, I was the only survivor taken hostage and tortured for 3 years, having them cut me, burn me, scared me, beat me, and killed loved ones in front of my eyes...

Once I attempted to make my escape, I took a knife and a revolver and killed every mask in horrible ways, my vision went red and I killed like a mad man, cutting throats of some mask, lightning a gasoline can up and burned mask alive with it, and much more. After that I went to a forest and lived there for a week till I found a city, that's when I became the city's vigilant, killing rapist, molesters, and much more. I have took down 18 White Mask Bases on my own, and have had encounters with CTUs more than I can count. The Info from each base made it easier to find the other bases and take them down. I have know how to shoot a gun since I was 13, when I lived in a dangerous part of town, where gang violence and shootings were a common thing at any time period.

The first person I have ever killed was when I was in a home invasion and kill the guy who tried to raped my older sister who was 15 at the time while I was 14. I killed everyone else with a kitchen knife and a 1911 my dad had. I never had a great childhood. I had to see my parents die in front of me when I was 15. Saw my sister get kidnapped and haven't seen her since then. I've seen the worst when I went to Afghanistan when I was 19, only being in the Military for a solid year. Being broken, beat, and scared, I have seen kids be used as shields and seen women get raped in horrible ways. I still think about them in my dreams, the fear in the civilians eyes haunt me every night, hearing them yell for help then dying seconds later.

I have severe anxiety and ptsd. I can't sleep in the night due to every thing I saw in my life, when I was in the cell were I was captured felt like a sanitarium, were I felt like I was going insane, and having anxiety of that I will die that day. Having the fear of what is going on in the world. Now here I am, standing outside of my 19th base I'm going in and out and clean this base fast, time to get my revenge and I am the The Thing That Should Not Be...

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