Part 2- misunderstandings

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Ludwig was still walking towards the kitchen. His footsteps making a faint click as he walked on the smooth stone floor. Soon, he reached the kitchen and stepped inside. He stretched a bit before noticing Morton was in there as well, he was going through multiple cook books and kept scanning through all of the different recipes. It wasn't until he heard footsteps approach the doorway and Ludwig came in sight that the second youngest looked up from his books to look at him.

"Oh hi Ludwig!" He said in a cheery tone. Ludwig smiled at his younger sibling. "Hello Morton, what are you doing here?" He asked as he made his way towards one of the cupboards to see what was inside. "I'm looking through these cook books to see what I can make us for dinner." He replied as he got up from a stool he was sat on and went to look inside the fridge to see what was in there.

The younger Koopaling had dark brown skin and black hair that was shaved on one side while three strands of hair stood atop his head. His jacket was made out of leather but the sleeves were completely ripped, leaving his bare muscular arms but his shoulders were still covered by the ripped fabric. A dark grey shirt adorned his torso and he also wore light grey jeans. The same hue as Ludwig's ones and black sneakers. A light grey star covered completely his left eye and he was a little bit on the chubbier side.

"Oh? And what are you going to make?" The older asked as he pulled out a packet of pretzels.

"I'm not sure yet but I was thinking of doing something with potatoes because everyone loves potatoes am I right?"

"I guess..." there was a brief moment of silence before Ludwig chuckled slightly. "Well I must head back to my room so I can continue my composition" he stated as he began to walk back out the kitchen and towards his room.

"Alright, bye Ludwig."

Ludwig walked back down the hallway, his cape slightly flowing behind him as he looked down at the floor. Suddenly, he bumped into someone, causing him and the other person to stumble backwards and nearly trip up on his cape. He regained his posture and brushed himself off. He then glanced down at the person he bumped into.

"Oh Wendy, I'm sorry about that." He said and lifted a hand towards her. The female koopa rolled her phthalo blue eyes but still reached up for his hand and stood up.

She had very slightly tanned skin and her hair was a bright blonde that was somewhat spiky and very short. She wore her hot pink polka-dot bow on the back of her head along with a pair of high heels and a skirt of the same colour. She wore a black t-shirt and her red beaded necklace along her neck, instead of spiked cuffs she had golden bangles that hung on her wrists. She also had 2 giant red earrings, purple eyeshadow and pink lipstick however, it had been smeared since she was applying it to her lips when she bumped into her brother.

"Yeah whatever Ludwig... it's fine." She huffed and left, desperately trying to fix her ruined makeup. Ludwig assumed that she was just pissed off about something and the fall obviously worsened her mood. He shook his head and finally made his way towards his bedroom. He walked back inside and shut the door and went back to work within seconds.

A few hours had passed and it was much later in the afternoon now, probably around five. Ludwig was still inside his bedroom and he was still working on his composition. He felt like nothing could distract him. Until... he heard alarms going off throughout the castle. 'That's odd... the alarms only ring when those idiotic Mario brothers enter our land to save the princess... but we haven't kidnapped her...' the oldest was in thought but was snapped out off it when Roy bashed through his bedroom door and for someone as tough as Roy he looked a little nervous.

He was a bit bigger than Ludwig and he wore a purple vest top with the sleeves being ripped and a deep shade of purple, it had a pink trimming and the number seven in the middle. He wore black shorts with a small chain on the side and purple sneakers. Finally he wore fiery magenta shades with the lenses being completely pitch black and his head was shaved.

"Lud, ya might wanna come and see dis." At the nervousness in his voice, Ludwig got up from his desk and walked up towards his younger brother, he was surprised when Roy started to run down the hall. At this, he also started to run after him until they reached the big windows that looked out onto the whole kingdom from the front. When they both got there, Iggy was already there looking outside and he looked panicked.

The taller koopaling wore a white lab coat that was a little dirty and grey in some parts with a light green shirt with a purple bow tie. He had darker green trousers with black boots and thick black glasses plastered onto his Face and his tall palm of green hair.

"G-Guys.. you m-might wanna see this..." he trembled as he continued to stare outside. The other two looked outside and Ludwig gasped at what he saw. A huge crowd of the citizens of the mushroom kingdom were marching their way towards the castle with the red and green 'hero's' at the front leading the way. They had torches and unidentifiable weapons with them and faint angry shouts could be heard.

At this point, everyone else had come to see what was going on and everyone indeed started to get quite nervous and scared since it was a rather large crowd. Even Bowser had come to see what the fuss was about and was alarmed to see that pretty much the whole of the Mushroom Kingdom has infiltrated his land.

"What the hell is going on?!" He boomed now angry at the sudden situation. Before anyone could answer, loud thuds could be heard on the main double doors. The koopalings looked at each other in fear and watched as their father went to answer before they could bust and break down the heavy double doors. Since they didn't want to get too close, they stayed at the top of the staircase. Bowser slammed open the doors to see a huge angry mob right on their doorstep.

"WHERE ARE THE KOOPALINGS?!" The man in red screamed, he looked furious about something and his face was damp with tears. Bowser glared at him "you don't need to know or see them Mario!" The 'hero' of the mushroom kingdom glared back at the koopa king and only got more furious. "Yes we do Bowser! We need to kill them and have our revenge!" He shouted again.

"What are you talking about you idiot?!" He roared in anger.

"They killed the Princess!" The green clad brother spoke up.

(Eeeee another chapter :D next chapter will have some sort of action in it hopefully :3)

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