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Here I was, sitting in my white box.

Or what the humans call, my 'bedroom'. If you could call it that.

Two guards barged in and placed obsidian bracelets on both my arms, obsidian anklets on my legs and forced a gas mask onto my muzzle. The mask didn't even fit! It was damaging my nose. They then tied up my wings.

"Do we need to tie up her tail?" One asked the other. They both looked at my  8 foot long light blue tail. He shrugged and left it alone, knowing that they would get slapped if they messed with it.

The escorted me out of the building and towards a run-down bus. When I stepped in I felt the pulse of obsidian surrounding my body.

"You guys went ham on the obsidian. What you think I was gonna do? Set the bus on fire? " My words were muffled from the gas mask. The guards didn't answer but instead lead me to a seat with a boy sitting there.

"Excuse me sirs,  but I'm not gonna fit on that seat." I told them. They didn't listen once again and shoved me next to the boy.

"Sorry." I apologized to him.

He had fluffy black hair and two light blue horns peaking out of it. He also had two small blue wings and a long thin tail, unlike my own thicker tail. He wore dark blue jeans and a gray and red jacket with red sneakers. Oh if only I could wear shoes, I could only wear socks but even then I still poked holes in them. He also had piercing mountain meadow eyes, and tan skin.

He only rolled his eyes, crossed his arms and stared outside the window and into the forest.

I huffed blowing smoke out of my nostrils and looked ahead of me.

Apparently I spaced out cuz the kid was screaming at me.

"Hey, HEY?! Are you listening? Dragon chick hellooo" he yelled.

"What?" I snapped. His eyes softened at the sound of my voice.

"I just wanted to say that my name's max." He told me.

"My name's zori." My voice was still muffled. He carefully took of the gas mask and threw it out the window.

"Why are you getting sent to camp?" I asked him, attempting to start a conversation.

"Didn't listen to the teachers at my school, was kinda rude to everyone there, started fights, the usual. How about you?"

" I set a building on fire. The monsters that lived there pissed me off so I did  the community a favor." I explained. He stared at me wide eyed. I smirked and looked out the window.

"We're here." The driver mumbled. I stood up and heldy hand out to max as I grabbed my bags.

He took my hand and stood up as well.
We trudged out of the bus and in front of a cheerful looking deer man, a wolf girl and a recreation of Frankenstein's monster.

My friends Neil, and Nikki. Then a Pheonix walked up and hugged me. Kesha. Max just looked at me. His eyes softened and he gave me a grin. Then the deer man looked at him and his expression when back to normal.

The deer man, David than explained to us what it was like here at the camp.

"There is no way a monster as cheerful as him could possibly exist. Its impossible, just like monsters being able to fall in love." Max whispered to me as David led us to our tent. I nodded in agreement.

We finally reached the tent and stepped inside. I went to the left side of the tent and started getting set up. Max went to the right side and did the same.

I sat down on the bed and tried to stretch my wings. They didn't move because they were tied together.

"Stupid guards tying up my damn wings." I mumbled trying to grab the rope that held my wings together.

"Here let me help." Max said on the other side of the room. I stopped moving so he could get the rope off.

It eventually fell to the ground and I spread my wings as fast as I could.

I almost ripped the tent because of it. I guess my wings are just too big... Aw well.

David told the campers it was time to go to sleep.

"Sleep is for the weak!!" I screamed to him, earning some laughs from the other campers.

"Your funny zori." Max told me in between giggles.

I smiled. "Can you leave for a sec? I gotta change." He nodded and left the tent.

I quickly changed and told him he could come back in.

He took off his hoodie revealing a light yellow shirt under it.

I slipped into my covers and stared at the ceiling.

"Good night zori."

"Night max."

Who Said Monsters Can't Fall in Love? (monster!max x monster!zori)Where stories live. Discover now