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best read in white
background !

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SEONGHWA sighed as another one of the kids he worked with was taken away into a new family

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SEONGHWA sighed as another one of the kids he worked with was taken away into a new family.

It was the first adoption in months.

No wonder the Adoption Center was closing down.

SEONGHWA felt as if he were the kids' parents. He had started working there straight out of college after he got his degree in pediatrics.

He worked as a doctor within the facility, so he basically knew so much about each kid, what they were struggling with, if they were struggling at all, and even ways to calm them down when they were fussy.

At times after his shift, he would come to the resting part of the center where they slept, and read them a book or two before turning the light out and leaving.

He was most definitely attached.

And now that the center was closing, the loss of his job was the least of his worries.

All he wanted to know was if the kids who were friends with each other, or even siblings, were going to get split up into places they didn't know.

It was terrifying seeing a new kid come into an environmental with people they don't know, he saw it happen quite a few times.

And now that he knew their names, blood types, habits when coming in for a check up and so on, he couldn't bring himself to see them leave and have to go through that again.

So he was really considering taking them all.

BULLET TO THE HEART bursted out laughing.

"You're crazy!" She said, as she held a two year old in her arms who was just looking up at the ceiling and chillin'.

"You cant just adopt all nine of the kids that are still here, I can barely take care of a few at once." She shook her head in disbelief.

"Yeah but I feel for them, you know?" SEONGHWA sighed in defeat once more.

BULLET TO THE HEART thought it out to herself.

She was the daughter of the owner of the facility, and worked within it all her life. She knew how painful it was to see the kids come and leave, sometimes even come back.

She was here for most of the kids' lives too.

"Why don't we both take one?"

They stared at each other as the words left their mouths at the same time.

Then suddenly SEONGHWA was aware of his eight best friends.

'This could work..' He thought to himself.

"We have to save these kids....
and I have an idea."

a  tale  of  how  love  & happiness   can   come out    of     what      you least    expect   in   life

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a  tale  of  how  love  &
happiness   can   come
out    of     what      you
least    expect   in   life.

happiness is what you make of it.

V's Note! hey guys,  i've  decided   to  open an applyfic  because i  fell  in love with this   idea

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V's Note!
hey guys,  i've  decided to  open an
applyfic  because i  fell  in love with
this idea. please  support it  and
apply,  as well as tag your friends,,
i don't want this to flop! :) also this
gets  really  interesting,  you'll find
out how  the slots know each other,
as  well as ateez soon! ;)


etherealjoong- yeosangz halateez
hwaebae G0DHYUK PRIM3L

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