You're safe here

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(Disclaimer: I own nothing but Miranda, you know that by now)

(Miranda's p.o.v)
After signing the last few papers and grabbing my stuff, officer....Abuela, she was Abuela now, started driving us to our new home, Fenton was sitting in the back with me and Izzy was in my lap.
Miranda: "so you were planning on adopting me the whole time huh?"
Fenton: "yup, sorry Miranda, but I'm afraid no one will have to answer to Gizmoduck"

I giggled at that and kept looking out the window, out of the corner of my eye I saw Fenton was still a little fidgety, like he was still nervous. I scooted over to him and gave him a nudge, he sighed and started stroking my hair.
Miranda: "what's the matter Fenton?
He just sighed again and gave me a small smile
Fenton: "I just can't believe this is actually happening"
I smiled back at him and gave him a hug, a lot of hugs have been given and received lately, I like it.
Abuela: "we're here"

I looked out the window at my new home and gasped, it was beautiful, I got out and stared at it with my mouth dropped, it was a nice little house with yellow walls and a brown roof. There were so many plants around it and I could see the city from here. I couldn't stop staring at it and I could see Fenton was nervous.
Fenton: uh...mija"
Miranda: "it's perfect"
I felt Abuela close my beak and we started walking to the door. My legs were shaking the whole time Fenton opened to door and stepping inside was like walking into a dream. It was all just so wonderful, I was turning while walking to look at it all. They had a green couch with a...blanket (I think) hanging off the back of it, a table with a lamp on it, pretty red curtains hung from the windows and they had a tv sitting across on another table. There were pictures hanging on every wall and while trying to take it all in, I didn't notice the wall with a mirror on it....until I crashed face first into it.

I slid off and fell on the soft ground, my head was still spinning and I heard Fenton gasp and rush to check my head. I just giggled still a little dizzy.
Miranda: "awesome"
Fenton: "*chuckles* well it's not over yet, you still have to see your room"
Miranda: "you mean there's more"
Fenton just chuckled and nodded, he helped me up and grabbed my hand. We started walking down the hallway and I got to see the rest of the house, they had the biggest kitchen I'd ever seen and a bathroom with a tub (great), suddenly we stopped at the last door down the hall and Fenton opened it, he let me go in first and I was in awe all over again.

It wasn't big by any means, but I loved it, there was a little twin bed with a white frame pushed into the back corner with two pillows and a light pink blanket, the window had pink curtains instead of red like the rest of the house, a white closet was pushed up against the other wall that was ready to be filled with my clothes (all three items of them), a desk and chair was across from my bed with a big bookcase next to it that already had some books in it, and a soft carpet was placed along side my bed. It was big enough for me, and it was empty enough to start filling it with memories.

I turned to Fenton with a big smile on my beak and raced over to my bed, I tried to pull myself up but it was too high up of me. I heard Fenton chuckle again before I felt his hands under my armpits and he was lifting me up, I felt the blanket and the pillow, they were both so soft, so much better then my bed back at the shack, I sighed in happiness before noticing something next to the pillows. It was a stuffed grey rabbit, with shiny black eyes and a black nose, I reached over to touch it and almost melted.
Miranda: "this is the softest thing I've ever felt in my life"
Fenton: "I thought you would like it"
Miranda: "yeah, it's about time Izzy has her own friend"
Fenton: "Izzy?"
I held up my doll with my right hand
Miranda: "Izzy"
Fenton: "got it"
I placed Izzy next to the rabbit-to-be-named-later and looked back up at Fenton, he had a weird look on his face, like he was embarrassed about something.
Fenton: "I know it's not much now...but I wanted to wait till you got here it see what you would like and-"
I placed my finger on his beak and he stopped talking.
Miranda: "Fenton, I love it, I can't believe you really did all this for me"
He smiled, he picked me up and held me close to him.
Fenton: "well believe it Miranda, you're apart of this family now, and now that you are, I wanted to take you shopping for some stuff for your room and some new clothes"

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