Chapter 1

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"Come on Corbin, it's not even scary over here." The view it's self you could see from your window. It was just a sunset after all. But the really show, what was truly amazing was what was below. Only if you looked carefully could you see, the faint lights and shadows of the world below. "You know you're crazy right, what if we get caught again." Corbin was always worrying about getting in trouble, or well keeping me out of trouble that is. "Well Corbin, then you take out the guards and I run, simple." A laugh escaped as Corbin gave me his signature look. Which if he said anything with it; it would be the; you got to be kidding me line I get asked often.

Stifling my laughter I peered over a Corbin. He didn't look mad at me. He looked almost well, I didn't know how to describe the soft look he was giving me. "You're crazy you know that right?" I couldn't help it I just had to my roll eyes. Corbin had taken a softer tone then before, he was even smiling. "You said that already. Come sit by me." I patted the place next to me, I know he would come but I felt a little encouragement was still needed. And to finish him off I gave him a killer smile.

"You're horrible you know that right, Scarlet."

"And yet you still hang out with me." Corbin raised his eye brows as a dramatic gasp except his parted lips. "Now Scar, be nice or I'll just let them take you if and when they come after us." As if on quote the enforcers came. I slipped a smirk at Corbin as we both stood up on the ledge. "Put your hands up, now!" We complied, to be honest we could have arrested ourselves we know the routine by heart. But this enforcers were in for a surprise. "Hey you ready?" Smirking I replayed.

"Always." We leaned back and let your body fall off the edge. With a swift motion we angled ourselves that way we were positioned like rockets to the ground. Completely vertical, Corbin yelled over the defending sound of air in my ears. That was the signal that it was time to deploy the secret that we had been working on for months.

Our own wings.

Pulling the strings hidden under our jackets made our wings come out of the hidden flaps. The feeling was amazing, the speed that came with the rush of wind in your face. Corbin grabbed my arm and handed me some googles we snagged from the store a while back. Bidding his head he broke off and started off for his house. Me; I had a few more levels to go before I was home.

Even though I and Corbin lived in differently levels we had become best friends. Even though he belonged to the higher class group of people he hung out with a lower level "urchin" like me. But since that day we meet, I and Corbin had been inseparable. Trouble makers that what people called us. And it was true, I mean I'm pretty sure he caused trouble for those enforcers back on level 45.

There are a hundred levels total in this flying city. Corbin was a resident of level 40, whereas me, well it level 15 for me. Because of the failed revolution my parents where striped of their high level in society. And with them also me.

"And here comes the hard part Scar, the landing." the ground was rushing up to meet my feet. In theory all I had to do was angle myself just so, then pull the clasp cord and tumble on to the ground. "Here we go." I pulled the strap and down I went. My foot hit the ground and I immediately pushed off when I touched down. That advice that Corbin have me was crap. Instead of making it so I could come to a stop pushing off caused me to do a flip and land squally in my back wigs loud thud. "Darn you Corbin!"

Hosting myself up I checked ever thing over to make sure nothing was hurt. "I'm going to smack you Corbin." from what I could tell there were going to be a few bruises and a bit sore but that was fine. "It's easy, just like running down the street, my ass it's easy." Chuckling, I started my walk home.

"I'm home!" I wasn't greeted by a voice calling back more so by the sounds of feet running towards me. Ever sense my parents and I were moved to the lower levels we have been taking in kids who were on the street. At this given moment we were in charge of six girl and nine boys. My father loved it, finally he had the sons he was always hoping for. And my mom, she loved it to. She loved kids, always had. It nearly broke her heart when they told her she wasn't allowed anymore children after me. She always wanted lot of kids and thanks to what had happened her dream was a reality. "Scarlet!!"

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