Chapter 5: You are my love. You are my life.

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(Troy's POV)

I was heading down for dinner and also to greet Jin-Jin's guest when I received a call from Mason. So, I opt to go straight to the study to hear his reports.

"Sir, I have intel about Ms. Young. It turned out that she was admitted to Seoul General Hospital."

"Seoul General Hospital you say?" It is where my sister worked as a doctor.

"Yes, sir, and Dr. Song was her attending physician," Mason informed.

All this time, Jin-Jin knew her.

What an idiot, of course. I scoffed at my foolishness and scolded myself knowing that Amy got into an accident and my sister was working as a doctor in a hospital.

I have to ask my elder sister about her. Maybe she could tell me about her whereabouts after she was discharged.

As soon as I ended the call, I headed down to the dining room for dinner. On my way there, my stomach rumbled as I smelled the aroma of the dishes served at the table so I guessed they already started eating.

As I enter the room, I saw my parents and Jin-Jin happily chatting with the guest as their laughter echoes through the area. I looked at the visitor and I was stunned with the sight that I saw. It was…

"A-Amy?" I whispered but it was enough to hear my voice by the people inside the room.

She looked at me with uncertainty painted on her face.

A surge of emotions took over my rationality. I was shocked but relieved, overjoyed but pained, my mind filled with questions to ask her yet it went blank as I looked at her. I felt fate played us this time but also thankful that she's well and we met again.

The next thing I knew is that she was caught by Jin-Jin as she blacked out.

"Brother… brother. Take her to the guest room, faster." My sister shouted in panic as she held Amy in her arms. I immediately took long strides and lift her, bringing her to the guest room.

As Jin-Jin made some check-ups and gave her an IV, she called me out of the room and took to the study. There, mom and dad were already sitting on the couch, waiting for my explanation.

"Mom, Dad, Sis," I inhaled some air to fill my lungs as I continued, "She's Amy. The one I was talking to you about."

Almost two years ago, I brought Amy here in Seoul for a two-week vacation. I wanted her to meet my family however, during that time, my parents also went on vacation to Hawaii and Jin-Jin was having her residency as a doctor having no time to meet her.

"Brother," my sister gently tapped my shoulder and looked at me in the eye. "She couldn't remember anything. After she arrived here, she met an accident that caused her to have amnesia. She doesn't even remember her parents or why she's here in Seoul."

"Son, why was she here in the first place? Why did she go here all alone?" My dad interrogated.

Dad was the calmest person I ever knew. He doesn't show any emotions even in reprimanding his children when we do wrong. But now, I could see concern and blame in his face.
I admit this is all my fault. If only I took her together with me, maybe none of this happened. I love Amy so much that seeing her like that breaks my heart.

"I'm sorry, dad, mom." Tears uncontrollably fell down my eyes as I continue to explain. "After her parents forced her for an arranged marriage, she asked me to come with me to Seoul. If only I was there with her when she came… I shouldn't have left her to come here alone."

Mom softly wiped my tears and hugged me, "Son, none of this was your fault. We are all aware of how much you love her. It's just that we couldn't control what's ahead. We could only face them head-on."

I sat beside Amy's bed while holding her hand, waiting for her to regain consciousness. I'm glad to finally be with her and hold her, but I'm quite anxious about her reaction knowing that she has no memory about me. Also, I can't help but blame myself for why this happened to her. She doesn't deserve this.

What if I fetched her from the airport that day?

What if I flew with her from the US?

I placed a kiss on her hand, holding it tightly, not allowing a second away from her.

"T-Troy," she murmured beneath her breath, "you'll never leave me, right?"

I looked at her with anticipation as she slowly opens her eyes from her sleep. Hoping that she'll remember me as soon as she saw me.

"I'm right here baby. I'll never leave you," I said while stopping myself from sobbing. But my eyes betrayed me as tears streamed down and dropped on the hand that I'm holding.

She looked at me full of concern, "Why are you crying?"

"You remember me?" I asked.
She shook her head with sadness flashed in her eyes.

"But I guess you know me, right? I assume that you're the reason why I came here in Seoul."

"Yes, you're right." I smiled, caressing her cheeks.

"Who are you? And, who am I?"

"I'm Troy and you're Amy. That's what everyone calls you."

"Troy, you always flashback in my mind. Although in my dreams your face was a blur, after hearing your voice, I know it's you." A drop of liquid flowed on her face as we look at each other in the eyes.

"Because even when the mind forgets, the heart doesn't," I replied.

"Tell me, Troy. What am I to you?" She spoke tenderly.

"You are my love. You are my life." I reached out and kissed her forehead.

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