Chapter Two

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word count: 6524



It might only be once in my life
My pressed down instincts
are popping up
What to do, I just hit the lotto 


The words died in my lips when I saw Chen's figure running across the ballroom in his leather jacket, shirt and jeans. He was looking at me with a wild look on his face.

Then there was another bang.

The ballroom exploded in fearful shouts and hysterical murmurs. Everyone was looking around frantically while most of them ran directionless. The dining room behind us exploded in confusion and fearful murmurs. I heard scraping of chairs and frantic rustles of clothes and feet. My grip on the girl tightened instinctively as my thought cleared and my mind went to my earlier issue. My generals. The stalker.

"What's going on?" I heard the girl whispered beside me, somehow she was closer to me, like she was trying to cower beside me. I ignored her as my sight was trained on Chen. He dodged past a panicking socialite and went straight to the double doors where we stood.

He didn't even pant after sprinting, not surprising for a highly trained assassin. He looked at me with urgency and looked at the girl, as if hesitating to spill the beans in front of a nonmember.

"Spill." I growled at him. He nodded, traces of his cheerful personality was gone and was replaced by his dead seriousness.

"The one who was stalking you was a member of that organization. Luhan found out that he was one of the elite members assigned to track us down. He is called Kumsaek, the golden tracker and assassin of the group. Somehow, he had discovered your identity and we failed to intercept him along the way. He somehow got inside your party. We arrived but didn't come to you earlier when it started and tried to get him out discreetly. Sehun spotted him in a waiter outfit and tried to get him but he managed to pull a gun and start this commotion."

From my peripheral view, I could see the girl was downright confused and afraid, her mouth opening and closing like a fish but made no sound. If we were not in this situation, I could have laugh in her ridiculous face.

"Where is Sehun?"

"He tackled the man with Luhan and Tao. I think they got him. We're positive he had companions in disguise, we need to evacuate everyone and locate the said companions. I came here to warn you and your family to go to the upper floors. I already alerted the security and most of them stationed themselves on the said floors. The only problem are your guests. Some had ran out of this place but some are dumbly panicking around."

As if hearing his words, someone got hold of the microphone that was used by the emcee earlier. Then a booming voice that was obviously Tao's filled the whole place. "Everyone, calm your fucking tits down and go straight to the upper floors."

I smirked at his choice of words. Nobody seemed to care. Most of the people chose to obey and went the grand staircase, running past the barricade of security guards. Some ran out, probably trying to get the hell out of this place. I nodded at Chen as another set of guards barricaded the way to the dining room. I pushed Dalya to Chen and told him, "Bring that girl and everyone in, alert my parents and guide them to safety. Tell the security to follow the guests and to stay away from the ballroom."

As I said this, I pulled my gun out of my tuxedo suit and cocked it. Chen nodded at me, realizing my intent to join the commotion outside, while Dalya stared at me wide-eyed. I turned around and my eyes went to my generals. I saw Luhan as he kneed an unfamiliar figure on its guts. The stranger doubled over but he managed to get out of the way as Sehun and Tao came kicking at him at the same time. Some male waiters remained in the ballroom and took out some weapons as they advanced toward the fight. Those must be allies of the stalker.

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