Chapter Three

17 2 0

word count: 6708



Even the air is different from today
The world changes
The night sky is filled with silver stars


After recounting what I told Dalya earlier, I could tell they didn't buy the whole thing. Good thing Chen was with me. He managed to persuade them to believe our excuses and in the end, they actually did. It's not actually the first time that my work affairs almost got my family involved but thankfully, they were still clueless. The Jang family joined our conversation. Dalya recounted what she witnessed back there at the ballroom. I was grateful that she spared the important details like the words "assassin" and "elite forces". That would no doubt freak our current audience out.

They all believed the story and the excuses aside from Dalya who was giving me side glances, probably still doubting me. I only smirked which made her more irritated.

"I didn't know you took a crash course in medicine," My dad said in a frown.

"Oh! It just happened recently," Chen immediately supplied.

"Impressive," my grandfather said rather proudly, my halmeoni and eomma approved.

Suddenly, a hand clasped mine and I held back the urge to snatch my hands away. It was Dalya's mother, looking at me with awe and admiration. I refused to squirm although I was deeply uncomfortable.

"Thank you so much! Thank you for saving my children!" She said and fortunately, she released me from her grip.

Then her husband shook my hands vigorously. "You are a godsend adeul! Bless you, young man!"

"Dad! He is not your adeul!" Dalya suddenly snapped, our whole attention suddenly focused on her. I took my hands out of her father's grasp happily. Man, it felt like my hands were going to fly out of their sockets.

"He is my son-in-law," her dad said.

At his words, something fluttered in my chest and I looked down, wondering what the hell just happened. Again. Fuck.

Dalya glared at me, as if I was the one who said it. "I told you earlier, the wedding is off!" She raised her eyebrow at me, probably urging me to support her. Oddly, I felt like not supporting her argument.

Hmm, I should be protesting like her but why do I feel not like it? Damn this.

My smirk grew as I shrugged at her. She looked incredulous. She turned to her parents and said in a slightly desperate voice.

"Please, I'm too young to marry. I'm still 19, for goodness sake! And you saw him earlier! He was downright rude!

Huh, I knew she was younger. I'm turning 26 already.

"How about this aghassi (young lady)," my grandmother suddenly interjected. We all looked at her.

She smiled a soft, wrinkly one and gestured to me. "We will give the both of you a week to get to know each other more. And if things don't work out between the two of you, then we'll cancel the wedding."

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