Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Bryce P.O.V.

It happened on Saturday afternoon. Thankfully I was at home when I felt the first indicators of my transition. It all started with a rapid increase in heartbeat. My body knew what was about to happen before I did.

I was alone in my room playing a video game. At first I didn't even notice the increased heartrate. Then I felt a tremble in my hands. That was hard to ignore, considering I was holding an Xbox controller at the time.

All werewolves are taught at an early age to recognize the initial symptoms of the first shift. So I wasn't surprised by the tingling sensation that spread over my skin next. It was rapid and it made me want to scratch my whole body. I didn't know it was supposed itch so bad. My skin was preparing for the fur.

By this point I had left my room and hurried downstairs. My inner animal felt an intense need to be outside immediately even though I knew I had about a half hour before the physical changes began. This would have been helpful if I were in public or something.

My breathing seemed to come easier as I stepped out the backdoor and into the fresh air. My house was surrounded by woods on three sides and I headed there with long strides. My gums started to itch along with my skin and I ran my tongue over them.

Stay calm, I reminded myself. The physical changes my body was going through were already starting to overwhelm me, even though I'd been expecting them anytime now.

I reached a clearing a few yards into the woods and began to strip out of my clothes.

The October air cooled my suddenly overheated skin, providing some relief. I was down to my boxers when my senses began to sharpen. I flinched as I heard my mom's car door slam at the house, signalling she was home from the grocery store. The sound was so magnified that it seemed to echo in my ears. My eyesight was rapidly focusing in and out, similar to the adjustment of a telescope lens. It was very disorienting and found myself stumbling to the ground as a result.

When I landed on all fours I shut my eyes and decided that staying immobile might be a good idea. This brought my attention to my sense of smell. I knew that becoming a werewolf would increase my smelling ability the most, but nothing could prepare me for it. My dad had told me that a wolf's sense of smell was literally 100 times better than a human's. I believed it now.

I couldn't even comprehend all the scents suddenly bombarding me. I could smell a couple deer by the stream quite a distance form here and my parents within our house just a few yards away. Every single type of tree and plant seemed to have it's own scent and breathing deeply brought the unpleasant odor of car exhaust from the highway over a mile away. It was terribly overwhelming, but wonderful at the same time.

I had gotten so wrapped up in adjusting to my newfound senses that I didn't realize quite a bit of time had passed already. Before I knew it, my heightened hearing registered a snapping sound followed by extreme pain in both my legs.

I let out a scream as I fell in a crumpled heap on the ground. This was it. This was the transformation. The first time werewolves shift it was incredibly painful. Most bones would break and reform themselves. This happened everytime, but the first time was slower and a real shock to the system. After the first time, it was instant and virtually painless.

Unfortunately, it was hard to keep that in mind while laying on the cold ground in agony. I could hear a pair of footsteps headed my way and cursed in my head. My parents must have heard my cry of pain from the house.

"Oh my God, he's shifting," my mom's concerned voice said from somewhere above me. I didn't open my eyes though. I was too distracted as my arms broke and reformed. I bit my lip to keep from making any noise. My mom was overprotective enough already.

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