chapter 3: the physical exam

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After we had all found our respective doors, we waited in line to be called in. I could hear Bakugo raging behind me. Geez, what is with that dude? Suddenly, the TV flickered on and the first matchup was revealed.

"y/n VS. Momo" it said, half the screen filled with a picture of you and the other half with a picture of Momo.

Momo was a gorgeous girl. She had thick black hair, always pulled back. I took a deep breath in, wondering how I'd fight her. The doors opened and I waved goodbye to everyone behind me as they wished me good luck.

Across the arena I could see Momo tentatively stepping in as well. We gave each other a small smile when the words "First to restrained or out of bounds loses! Ready, Go!" blasted over some speakers.

Immediately Momo formed a large net in her hands in threw it my way. She was quick, but I was faster. I formed an illusion in front of her to make it look like I had barely dodged the net. She started to run towards the illusion, not realizing that I was right behind her.

"Sorry Momo!" I laughed and threw my leg up to kick her forwards. "shit!" she yelped as she stumbled towards the line marking out of bounds. At the last second she caught her balance. "Can't fool me that easily, y/n!" she shouted.

As Momo ran to the middle of the stadium, I giggled  "behind you!". She turned to throw a punch but I quickly dodged. I walked backwards as she continuously tried to hit me but each time I swiftly moved out of the way. "If that's how it's going to be.." she murmured, pulling tape out of nowhere with her creation ability. She reached to wrap the tape around me but I had fooled her again.

What she had seen in front of her was merely an illusion. From behind her I grabbed the tape from her hands and pulled it around her in quick and precise movements. She was caught and I let out a breath of relief knowing I had won. "y/n is the winner of this round!" the speakers boomed.

I unraveled the tape and reached my hand out to say good game. "I'll just have to get you next time then!" she said, a determined grin on her face. "I cant wait!" I laughed and we turned separate ways to exit the arena.

I left through the door I came in and Deku came up to congratulate me. "You were amazing out there! For a couple seconds I couldn't even tell which of you was real!" He said. Uraraka was on the other side of the stadium but I'm sure she would be at my side congratulating me as well.


Deku and I watched all of the matches from the viewing room. The matches ranged from odd pairings like Kaminari and Mineta to difficult ones like Bakugo and Kirishima. Deku fought against Jiro and she did her best but he won as I suspected. Deku did his usual mumbling and scribbling as he watched and I giggled. He always got so into it! "Hey, stop laughing at me!" he said laughing too, but blushing a little.

"What did you write about me?" I asked, grinning. "Uh-nothing! Just about technique and stuff.." he mumbled. "May I read?" I asked, trying to grab the notebook from his hands. "No!" he shouted, desperately trying to keep it from my reach. We play-fought for a moment and were dying of laughter. "y/n, I need to tell you something-" Deku started to say when the viewing room's door swung open.

Todoroki stood at the door and stared at us. My hands were in the air reaching for the notebook and Deku was teasing me with it by waving it in my face.
Midoriya and I stopped dead in our tracks and looked at each other for a second before bursting out laughing. "Did I interrupt something.." Todoroki muttered.

"Sorry, Sorry, come watch Todoroki." Deku said, still laughing a little. Todoroki came and stood with us as we waited for the next match to start. Deku and I were poking each other in the side when he abruptly decided he wanted to go find Uraraka. I'll be back in a minute!" He said.

It was just me and Todoroki now. "You did well out there y/n." He said. "Oh, thank you Todoroki. I didn't really do much of anything..So anyways, who do you think you'll be up against?" I asked. "Well there are only two matches left and..." An announcement blared over the speakers saying that the next round would be Koji and Tokoyami.

"...That only leaves Uraraka and I." Todoroki finished. My heart sunk. Uraraka had grown so much into her ability and become a much better fighter but the thought of her and Todoroki against each other scared me.

Todoroki turned and began walking towards the door. "I should go get ready for my match." He said. "Please go easy on her." I said, talking to his back. He paused for a moment, but then continued walking without a response. And then there was only me.

Deku returned moments later looking a little confused. "What did you say to Todoroki? He seemed a little upset. Also, I couldn't find Uraraka. Any idea where I could find her?" Deku said. "Uraraka must be preparing for her match with Todoroki..I don't think Todoroki is upset..just conflicted." I said.

"what? Uraraka has to fight Todoroki??" Deku asked, shocked. "I know..." I mumbled, equally concerned. "I guess you missed the announcement." I said in barely a whisper.

Koji and Tokayami finished their match and shockingly, Koji won! He used his power of talking to animals to coax Tokayami's dark shadow to give up. I didn't know that bird-demons counted as animals but... I was proud of Koji for winning. The thought of that made me smile.

With the ending of their match though, meant the beginning of Urarakas match. And to say I was worried was an understatement. I loved that girl to death and I didn't want her to be hurt. Physically or mentally. If she lost another big round like this, it would probably hurt her feelings more than anything.

"Next match- Todoroki and Uraraka!" the speakers blared. I watched the doors of the arena open and the two of them step out. They slowly stepped up to each other, and the match began.

To be continued.

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