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My eyes flutter open from the deep trance I was in and instantly I'm disappointed. I gaze around the same small room I've been in for what seems like most of my life. It's cozy and familiar, just not where I want to be. I sigh and remove myself from my floral printed sheets to begin the painstakingly ordinary day. Before I head for the door I stare at the battered looking map on my wall that I like to think is just vintage and say to myself,


And I begin to do the same routine I always have just wishing for a little spontaneity. I mentally scold myself because there is nothing apparently wrong with my life, except the fact that it is completely and utterly average.  I walk down the steps with no hurry to take on the day and am greeted by my mom.

"Goodmorning Cassie," she says a little too cheerily.

All I can muster up is, "Hi mom."

Her smile falls slightly at my lack of enthusiasm but I don't bother to correct myself. She looks at my outfit, and by outfit I mean t-shirt and fuzzy pajama pants, her eyes obviously disapproving.

"Shouldn't you get dressed, I know it's Saturday but you're a tad too casual," she exclaims with a laugh.

"Why, it's not like we do anything," I scoff a little too rudely.

I make up for my unpleasent attitude by going back up the steps to properly get ready. I walk over to my closet and decide to choose an outfit that is comfortable but still looks like I care. I settle on my favorite oversized red and blue stripped knit sweater and a pair of black leggings. My reflection in the mirror is decent except for my hair of course. The mess of curls atop my head looks more like a nest than hair. I add the products I always do to it and don't expect to have a fantastic hair day. Like always I gather all my dark brown locks in my hand and throw it up into a bun. Luckily, I'm well rested and don't appear to have any bags under my amber colored eyes.

"That's good enough," I think to myself and make my back to face my mother.

Once again her eyes meticulously inspect my outfit and I sarcastically turn for her. The ever poised and perfect Allison Dixon calmly says,

"Much better."

The majority of the morning slowly creeps by since noting particulary ground breaking happened. Although, there was a slight incident with some jelly at the breakfast table that I thought CNN should cover. Afterwards, I retreat to my room because I could not deal with my parents and their uneventful conversation about groceries and how prices are outrageous. I have the urge to do something wild and crazy but there is honestly nothing wild or crazy about my hometown whatsoever. So, like most weekends I sit and just let technology consume me.

I sit in bed for hours just wasting time in anyway possible watching movies, reading pointless gossip sites, taking those dumb horoscope quizzes that never get anything right. By the time I look at the clock again it's already 1AM. I lay back on my bed and just stare at the ceiling for a good ten minutes. The sound of my stomach growling rudely interrupts me while I was in the process of doing absolutely nothing.

Without thinking, I grab my keys and practically run down the stairs. I get to the doorway and think,

"What the hell am I doing? I can't sneak out. Where would I even go?"

I look at myself in the mirror and decide that I need to start living. I put on my coat, walk out the door, and don't look back.

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