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My mind was a mess of thoughts that I couldn't sort or organize and that terrified me. I wasn't sure if Noah didn't care about the melt down that was occurring directly beside him or if he was just that oblivious. Either way he was not the person I had imagined he was.

"Are you blind? I'm in the middle of a crisis here and you're just continuing driving as if I were invisible."

His vibrant and bright green eyes stopped looking so carefree and were fixed on my face. His deep stare somewhat intimidated me.

"My eyesight is impecable and contrary to what you may believe I do care, I just don't know how to help you. Trust me, you can never be invisible, your mouth alone wouldn't allow it."

The anger I was feeling towards Noah and his endless snide comments could not be put into words. I was furious, but I had absolutely no idea why. It wasn't his fault that he'd never been in a situation like this, yet in the moment I had placed all the blame on him. I blamed him for ruining my night, kidnapping me, and failing to just have a normal conversation. Most of all, I blamed him for showing me how much of a coward I was.

I spoke a lot about living on the edge and that it was my town or my parents that were holding me back somehow. The truth was that I was holding myself back. Just being faced with the smallest amount of uncertainty caused me to panic and worry. My anger slowly melted away and I felt exhausted emotionally as well as physically. Sometime during my internal rant tears began to roll down my face. I quickly wiped them away with my sleeve, willed myself to keep it together for just a little longer, and mustered all the energy I had left to say,

"Just take me home please."

When Noah looked over to me I saw his hurt expression. As if he was feeling everything I was right alongside with me. I figured that was crazy because Noah didn't act like anything mattered other than having fun. He nodded slowly and turned his car around without any complaints. After telling him my address, most of the car ride was spent in silence. Neither one of us wanting to speak of what happened on this disasterous night.

 When we were about ten minutes from my house, I started dreading walking in. Yes, tonight was not the thrilling escapade that I wanted it to be, but it was certainly better than the night I was planning on having all by myself. I decided to make the most of the time I had left as a free woman since I most definitely would be grounded after this. I remembered the park I used to go to as a little kid and how I always wished I could go there at night when there was no one around.

"Hey, there's a park right around the corner. I know it's not bungee jumping, or whatever it is you do for fun, but would you possibly want to go there with me?"

I could tell exactly what Noah was feeling by looking at his eyes and I liked that about him. They lit up and he seemed a little surprised by my "bold" gesture. 

"Well Cassandra, I would love to accompany you to this park you speak of."

I rolled my eyes at him while he was parking and with a little laugh said,

"Just say sure like all the other normal people."

With his signature cool yet kind of crooked smile he answered,

"What's the fun in being normal?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2015 ⏰

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