Destination Unkown

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My car roared to life and I hit the open road with no idea where to go. The first thing on my mind was food. I wandered around for what seemed like forever to find a food establishment that was actually open in my sleepy little town. I settled for a 7-Eleven that didn't look like a rat hole. After buying a bunch of food that would bring me somewhat closer to diabetes, I just sat in my car and ate. I couldn't help but laugh about how pathetic this "adventure" was, if you could even call it that.

I was so set on experiencing something new, except my something new is what exciting people call normal. I sighed and began to start my car once again. This time the engine didn't roar to life at all. In fact, it sounded more like a sickly cough, and then it just completely died on me. Since I was the only one stupid enough to be parked outside a gas station at 1:45AM, I just screamed in aggravation and kicked my already beat-up Jeep. It was a horrible idea because it hurt so much more than it looks in the movies. I pulled out my phone to try to call anyone who would pick up, but as luck would have it, that was dead too. My attempt at some sort of escapade was turning into a nightmare. Right when I thought it couldn't get any worse, a creepy looking car pulled up right next to me. I thought to myself,

"Stay calm, no big deal, they might not want anything to do with you."

This was not the case. Surprisingly, it wasn't a disturbing old guy who could possibly be a murderer who stepped out of the car. It was a kid who looked about 17 or 18 like me.He also towered over me, I guessed he was about 6'3 or so. He had dark brown hair that was pushed back out of his face and piercing emerald green eyes. This stranger said nothing but just stared intently at me as if he was searching for something. After about 5 minutes of pure silence he uttered three words,

"You seem different."

I stood there, practically paralyzed with shock. In my 17 years of life no one had ever called me different. I was completely average and to hear some boy I had literally not spoken a word to call me different felt like reassurance. I always feared that my life wouldn't matter and that I'd leave this earth and have contributed absolutely nothing to it. I was pulled back into reality when I heard,

"Are you gonna reply or continue looking off into oblivion?"

With the sound of his deep yet calming voice I was snapped back into reality. I just smirked and said,

 "Are you gonna tell me your name or continue with this mysterious man act?"

He coolly answered, "Who said it was an act?"

Seeing as I never mastered the skill of patience, I frankly blurted, "This banter is riveting but can I get a straight answer."

He opened his mouth to counter with a sarcastic remark, but he opted against it and responded with,

"Noah C. Gordon"

"What does the C stand for?" I questioned

"You see if I told you that then there would be no mystery now would there?"

Our entire conversation was just one gigantic question, and I didn't mind that at all. I then realized I had rudely asked Noah for his name and never gave him mine.

"My name is..." I began, but it hit me I could be anyone I wanted to be and do anything I wanted to do and there would be no consequences. I figured I would never see Noah again because he had an out of state license plate and no one lingers around Mystic, Connecticut longer than they have to.

"...It's Clara Vaughn", I stated confidently even though I was a complete fraud. Noah looked me over once more as if he wasn't convinced by my lie. I began to doubt myself once he began staring at me again and I looked at my tattered black converse quickly. Luckily, even if he noticed what a horrendous liar I was, he only said,

"I was expecting something a little more exotic, like Jasmine or Carmen."

I was frustrated that even my fake name lacked imagination and wasn't extraordinary enough.

I regained my self confidence and snidely replied,

"Well sorry to you disappoint then".

He grinned widely and practically whispered,


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