7. Obvious

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I woke up to someone shaking me lightly. "What the fuck Jack I-" I was cut of by a hand covering my mouth, I opened my eyes to see Jacks sister Molly standing over me, Shit.
She nodded her head towards the door and began to walk out, as I got up I realised I was still in just my lace underwear, for gods sake could this look any worse!
I grabbed one of Jacks t-shirts off the floor and put it on. As I went to walk out I turned around to see Jack still fast asleep sprawled out across the bed. I closed the door quietly to be greeted my Molly outside the bedroom door.
"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT" she shouted in a whisper, slightly laughing at what she just saw.
"Why were you in bed with my brother"
"What are you talking about Mol iv stayed over before"
"Not in lace underwear spooning my brother!"
I have always been good friends with Molly and she has always joked about me and Jack dating so she wasn't pissed of or anything, she just found this way to funny and I know I will never hear the last of it.
"Nothing happened mol we ju-" I was cut off by the sound of Jacks mum and dads bedroom door opening. "Quick!" Molly said, shoving me into her room and closing the door behind her. "Here put these on". She threw me a pair of black leggings and I put them on. "So, did you guys-" "NO. No, no we didn't, nothing, no nothing happened, at all". She looked at me, her eyebrow raised. "So you just came in early this morning, from a party, totally wasted, went to bed spooning my brother in just lace underwear and your telling me nothing happened?"
Shit shit shit.
"We are just friends I swear, anyway why were you creeping on us sleeping" I asked, quickly changing the subject.
"I came in to tell Jack that mom and dad and going to visit their cousin for the day and me and Laura are going out shopping, but now it's seems like a real bad idea leaving you two home alone all day" she said glaring at me. I rolled my eyes, "Nothing is going to happen Molly"
"What's even going on with you two anyway, are you just fucking or are you dating?"
"Well for one we haven't had sex so can you please shut up about that and two I really don't know what's going on between us."
"Well he defiantly likes you Iz I can tell you that for sure, do you feel the same about him?"
"Of course I do Mol, but we have known each other for so long, I don't want to ruin anything, you know"
"Yeah I understand. Right I need to go, mum and dad have just left so can you let jack know where we all are"
"Sure mol, see you later"
I followed her downstairs where we hugged goodbye. Just as she was about to leave she turned around.
"Oh and you might want to cover up those big ass marks on your neck if you want to bullshit anymore people into thinking 'nothing happened', bye"
Fuck, I will kill jack.

I walked through to the kitchen to make some breakfast, I didn't feel too good so I just made some toast and sat down on the couch. I turned on the television to watch E!News when I heard jack coming down the stairs. He walked in to the living room and came and sat down next to me, resting his head on my shoulder and giving it a small peck. He looked up at me and smiled.
"Hey" "Hey" I smiled back.
"Molly said that your mum and dad have gone to their cousins for the day and her and laur are going out"
"Cool, when did you speak to her?"
"Straight after she dragged me out of bed in just my underwear and questioned me as to why I was there" Jack just started laughing,
"Oh shit, what did you say"
"I just told her that nothing happened and we were just friends"
Crap, I hope that didn't come off too mean, will he think I don't want anything to happen between us? Did I just completely friend zoned him? that was not supposed to happen!
"So you lied to her" he turned to me, smirking. I smiled back at him,
"Yeah you could say that"
"Last night want fun"
"Yeah the party was good"
"That's not what I ment"
"I know" I smiled, turning back to watch the t.v. I could feel jack looking at my neck, admiring his work. "damn, have fun hiding those" he said leaning in to kiss my neck making me giggle and squirm. "Jack, JACK s-stop it, I don't need any more hickeys" I giggled trying to push him away. "What about in places no one else can see" He mumbled into my neck with a smirk. "Ew no, stop. Let's just watch a movie or something" I laughed. "Fine" jack huffed, standing up to pick a movie.

After a couple of minutes bickering about what movie to watch we settle with 'The Fast and the Furious'. Once he had put the film on he went into the kitchen to get us both a drink and then came and sat back down next to me. I grabbed a blanket and lay down on the couch, Jack lying next to me with his arm draped over my waist, pulling me closer. I loved the feeling of him next to me, him just cuddling me.
About twenty minutes into the film I could feel my eyes shutting, I kept fighting it but soon I drifted back off to sleep. I was soon woken by my phone buzzing. I liked my head to notice I had a text from my dad.

Dad 💙 : belle come home soon I'm cooking dinner love you, dad x

I turned over to see jack still sleeping. I switched the television off as the movie had finished and walked up stairs to get my clothes. I didn't want to wake jack so I decided to text my brother to come and pick me up.

Izzy : chasey will you please please please come pick my up from Jack G's house!
Chase: no
Izzy : chaseeeeeee pleaseeeeeeee
Chase: no
Izzy : Fuck you chase, please I need to get home don't be an asshole.
Chase : Fine be ready you little shit
Izzy : loveeeeee youuuuuu
Chase : k.

I gathered my things up and walked downstairs to see that Jack was awake. "Hey I didn't know you were awake, chase is on his way to pick me up". He got up from the couch and turned to look at me. "I would of took you home" "yeah but I didn't want to wake you, thanks for letting me stay, it was fun." I smiled as Jack walked closer to me. "Yeah it was", he said closing the gap between us, grabbing my gently by my waist pulling me in closer. My eyes flickered from his lips to his eyes, wanting to kiss him so badly. He lent in, our lips connected, I loved the feeling of his touch, his lips. He made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. He made me feel complete.

After a good 5 Minute heated make out session a beep was heard from outside. I pulled away to only be pulled back into the kiss. "Jack" I mumbled into his lips, trying to separate before my brother grew too impatient. "J-ack, s-s-stop. M-my bro-ther is o-out-side" I said in between him kisses. He soon pulled away, both of us smiling. "I have to go, see you in school ok" "bye Iz" he said before giving me one last peck before I left the house.

As I got into the car I was greeting by my loving brother. "Hurry up fucker the games on" "nice to see you too oh wonderful brother of mine" I said sarcastically as he drove off down the street. "So Iz, did you have a-" he stopped talking, his eyes flickering from the road to me. "What the fuck is that" what was he talking about? "What are you talking about chase" "those fucking marks on your neck, was that Jack, did you have sex with Jack, I swear to god if he even-" "CHASE" I shouted. "It wasn't Jack, I didn't sleep with anyone. Chill out man, it was at the party it was just a joke." If chase found out that anything had happened between me and Jack he would flip, that's for sure. "If he even laid a finger on you I'll kill him you do know that"
"He ain't laying nothing nowhere ok. Can we just get home please, I feel like crap."
HA! If only he knew where his fingers were laying last night.

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Author's Note.
Sorry it's a late update, there will be another update this week I promise. Please vote and leave a comment on what you think, I hope you like it so far.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2015 ⏰

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