Don't Make Me Wait - Mother And Son

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Disclaimer: None of the characters belong to me, I just play with them.

He was nervous, he was standing in front of the house where he lived his childhood and teenage years, and now he was just a foreigner to whom the entrance had been denied a long time ago. He knocked two times at the door and waited until his mom opened and both just stayed there in the frame staring at each other.

Anne was stoic, she couldn't believe that his son had come back when she got the news that he had gone she was so disappointed, she never understood how her son could be so egoistic to pick his career above his family.
Back then she feared the Maliks wouldn't let her see the twins again, but Zayn was so generous that he talked with his family so she could still have contact with the kids; her son had never deserved that guy.

"Harry," she said with a very serious tone.

"Mom" Harry was biting his lower lip with too much force, he was so nervous, and his mother was looking at him as if he were a bad memory from the past and was hurting him.

"Come in" Both got in the house and headed to the living room, Anne sat in front of Harry and gulped, she had that look on her face that she used to give Harry when he was a kid and bothered his sister.

"Why did you come back Harry?" she broke the silence, "I thought I'd never see you again, you disappointed me, I thought I'd raised a good man, with values and principles, I thought I'd teach him the value of family."

Harry didn't know where to look, Anne's words were hurting him like bullets, he never thought she would tell him that she was disappointed, she had always supported him in everything.

"Mom, I-"

"No, I haven't finished yet Edward" Now she was really upset, "You've abandoned your children, Zayn and us only because of a dream that, I'm sure it didn't make you happy, am I wrong?" the brown-haired shook his head, "See? I believed in you, I've always supported you Harry" his mother started to sob and he was already feeling the tears wetting his cheeks, "but despite everything I'm your mother, and I love you with everything and your mistakes, but that doesn't mean that I'm forgiving you and that I approve your choices" she clarified, "Does Zayn knows that you're here?"


"You talked?" Harry nodded, "You saw... You saw the kids?" this time Harry couldn't avoid smiling while nodding. "Did you talk to them?"

"Yeah... They're perfect." he smiled bigger despite the tears, "Mom, I came back to recover my family, I'm not gonna leave again, I swear I won't. I want to be part of their lives, I want to see them grow; I know I've already missed a lot but I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make them happy."

Anne just remained silent, thinking, she couldn't believe Zayn had let him see the kids, less talk to them. She knows everything that the boy had to go through to become who he is now, she had helped in everything she could with the kids; they were her grandsons after all and she loves them so much. She was even there when everyone insisted that he should redo his life with someone else, but he had always rejected the idea arguing that he already had enough with his babies.

She had suffered too, every time that the twins bombarded her with questions about Harry she never knew how to answer them or how to talk about her son without giving the impression that he was a selfish person who decided to abandon his kids.

"Only one chance Harry... You only have one, if you do not use it well and throw everything overboard again, you can forget you left any family in Bradford." she stood up and got near her son to hug him, instantly the brown-haired snuggled in her, both were crying and hugging strongly. "You'll have to fight a lot, and is not gonna be easy, Zayn's family isn't happy with you, but for the kids, we're capable of doing anything." Harry nodded eagerly and didn't stop the hug, he was feeling like a kid again, "I hope you know what you're doing Harry, and I really hope you won't make the same mistake as years ago."

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