Chapter 1

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Lloyd's POV

"I'm going to draw their fire, so you can make it to the top," Kai said.

"No, don't! We can do this together!" I said as he started deflecting Nya's shots at us.

"No. There's only one Green Ninja. This is your fight."

"Your hurt," Nya said trying to distract me. "You hardly stand a chance!" Then Kai attacked her as I was climbing up the steep stairs.

"Go Lloyd!" Kai shouted to me. I was hopping up the stairs as fast as I could and I finally made it to the top. Once I was up there, I see the Overlord in his full dragon form. I pull down my hood and prepare myself to fight.

"I have come here to fight you!" I yelled at the evil dragon.

"You're in no shape to fight!" Stated the Overlord. "It's over... evil wins."

"A ninja never quits." He stared evil laughing.

"You don't even have a sword."

"I don't need a sword," I said as I started to charge up my ball of energy and circling it around me.

"Then all I have to say is...goodbye." He started to blast me with his evil powers. Luckily, my powers are stronger and I was not only able to protect myself, but I was able to push him back. I suddenly felt element getting stronger and more powerful and I became the Ultimate Spinjitzue Master and was in a new gold gi. I looked up at the dragon and said.

"I am the Ultimate Spinjitzue Master."

"No!" I began hitting him with my golden powers trying to fight him off. "No!" He said again. Then I used my strength to create my golden dragon. "You can't defeat me." He said with confidence. "Where there is light, there will always be shadow!"

"Unless my light is bright enough!" I hit him again and shot him to the ground. He flew back up to me and was in my face. "This ends now."

"You can't defeat me." He said again. He started to make a giant black orb of darkness around me to trap me. The Overlord began evil laughing again thinking he had won and ate me. But I used my energy force to fight back against him again for the last time.

"No! No! No!" He shouted as a ended him once and for all.

A few minutes later I saw everyone on the ground and I flew over to them on my dragon.

"Lloyd!" They all shouted at once.

"You were brilliant, son." My mom said to me as I landed.

"Because of you, Ninjago was saved." Stated my Uncle Wu. "Because of you, there will be a tomorrow."

"Speaking of which, if the Overlord should ever decide to show his face again around here, we'll be ready," Kai stated firmly.

"And next time, we'll be a little more humble," Cole said.

"And a little more wise," stated Zane.

"And with better catchphrases," Jay said and we all laughed. Although, I got very upset thinking that I would never see my dad again. My mom noticed and walked over to me.

"We will all miss your father," she said. But then I heard rocks falling and footsteps coming closer to us. I turned and saw a man.

"Lloyd!" He stated. "What happened?"

My mom looked at him. "Garmadon, is it really you?"

"Dad?" I asked. "Oh, Dad!" I shouted as I ran over to hug him.

"Every ounce of evil and venom is gone." My mom said walking over to join our hug.

"I feel good." My dad said to us. "Ha-ha. It's been so long."

"Good to have you back, brother." My uncle said walking over to greet him.

"Wu." My father responded. "Good to be back."

"Aw, would you look at that?" Jay said as the others walked over. "Who would have thought we'd ever see the day? You think we should dogpile them?"

"Let's give them their moment. They earned it." Kai responded as my parents and I started to walk away from the others.

My family and I took a walk around Ninjago and then got some food. It was so nice to have a real conversation with my dad, not just talking about us battling, I got to tell him about myself. And my parents got to tell me more about themselves. I heard stories of when my dad and my uncle where younger and what they did together when they weren't training. I also got to hear how my parents met each other and how my dad asked my mom to be her yang. My mom said she was devastated when my father finally had to leave because the darkness became too powerful. And how heartbroken my dad was when he had to leave because he always loved my mother and me. He knew he did the right thing though because he didn't want to harm either of us in any way. Although, after he left my mom put me in the Boarding School for Bad Boys and didn't keep in any kind of contact with me which made me have a terrible childhood until my uncle found me. But if that never happened, I never would have met the ninja and be as happy as I am now.

We decided to start heading home and get some rest after the crazy and long day we had gone threw. As we were walking I got this weird chill down my spine that wouldn't go away for a little while. Once it was finally gone, I got a horrible migraine and decided to go to bed and hope it would be gone in the morning.

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