Chapter 2

512 12 21

3 months later

Lloyd's POV

I woke up and saw that everyone else was already out of bed. I got out of my bed and went over to the bathroom to brush my teeth. As I was putting the toothpaste on my toothbrush, Kai walked in and started to do his hair. He kept getting in my way like he does every morning because he's so annoying.

"Kai!" I yelled at him. "Would you stop? You're in my way!" He looked at me with confusion, grabbed with hair gel and his comb, and walked out of the bathroom. Oh my gosh! Why does he always get in the way? It's like he doesn't understand that I need my own space! I finished up in the bathroom and went back into my room to get dressed. Then I started thinking, why did I get so mad at him? That never used to bother me. But then, I started hearing a terrifying evil voice.

(The darkness is in bold font and Lloyd is Italics)

(Inside Lloyd's head)

"Didn't it feel good to get mad at him, though?"

"No! I didn't like it at all!"

"But Kai has always been the one to be jealous of you and your power."

"Kai's not jealous of me. He used to be a little bit but he let that go when he unlocked his true potential. And why would me saying he's annoying by doing his hair get him back for him 'being jealous of me'?"

"Because Kai loves his hair, duh."

"That's true. But I still don't hate him. I love Kai. He's my best friend. He's like my older brother."

"Trust me... that will change."

"What are you saying! What are you going to do to my friends?"

"You'll see."

"I gotta warm them!"

"That's not going to happen." I suddenly felt the darkness consume me even more. It made me feel so emo and I didn't like it.

Kai's POV

Lloyd just yelled at me for doing my hair in the bathroom, which I do every morning when he is in there. I wonder why he cared so much this time? I wish I could ask Wu or Garmadon or Misako about it, but all three of his relatives left to search for sone ancient scroll. Anyways, I went into the living room and saw everyone else sitting in there doing their own things.

"Hey Kai!" My sister said. "Why do you have your hair stuff? Don't you normally do that in the bathroom?"

"Yeah, I do," I said back. "But Lloyd was just acting super weird. He started yelling at me for fixing my hair. He said I was in his way. I wonder why?"

"He could just be tired," Zane stated.

"Maybe," I said. "But he never acts like this. Even when he is tired or in kind of a bad mood, he is still always super least to me." Then Lloyd walked out of the bedroom and came over to us. We were all looking at him to see if he was going to be rude again.

"What is everyone staring at?" Lloyd asked with attitude in his voice.

"Your beauty," Jay said sarcastically.

"You guys are weird," Lloyd said walking to the kitchen to get breakfast.

"Why is he acting like that?" I asked.

"I don't know." My sister said.

"He sounded meaner to me, though," I said.

"Maybe he just no longer likes you." Cole joked.

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