[🎋] part 1

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I cherished my mom deeply, yet I can't ignore the shadow of her wrongdoing toward Dad.
Constant nightmares,
Constant dreams,
Constant thoughts, clouded by her cruel words about Dad.

The sound of my front door closing and locking jolted me awake.

I guess Mom left early for work, I mused
I got out of bed, went to my mom's room, and sifted through her paperwork, files, and drawers.

I was searching for any clues about what she did to Dad, until I found a journal hidden at the bottom of the drawer.

Opening it left me indifferent, until I reached the very last page, which left me... shocked... or rather, angry.

'I am uncertain how to confess to my daughter, Y/n, that I murdered her father... She loved him deeply. I can only hope she understands the reasons behind my actions. I'm sorry.'

My eyes widened in disbelief as I read it.
why, oh why? echoed in my mind. Shaking off the unsettling thoughts, I turned and went to change my clothes.

After changing into something more comfortable, I treated myself to an iced meal package, microwaving it for a quick bite.

~ after a few hours later ~

As I heard the door unlock, signaling my mom's return from work, a troubling thoughts crossed my mind: what if I use my ability on her? What if I make her suffer like Dad did? Revenge.. Mischief clouded my thoughts.
I sprinted to my Mon as fast as I could, feigning excitement as I hugged her tightly. Pressing my hands against her back, I activated my ability and exclaimed enthusiastically,

You: "Mom, you're back!"

I slowly stepped back from her, watching as her eyes glowed a bright purple. She stood there, utterly motionless as if she's a puppet.
She's probably under my control now, I thought to myself.

You: " Go commit suicide."

I said with a chilling smile, my voice carrying an unsettling certainty that would send shivers down anyone's spine.

Slowly my mom walked to the kitchen, her movements unnaturally calm as she grabbed a knife. With a haunting silence filling the air, she raised it to her head and, with a sudden, chilling resolve, drove it deep into her skull.
I couldn't help but grin at her lifeless body, a mix of relief and horror washing over me.
There's blood.
So much blood.
I don't have a family anymore... but she deserved it.
With trembling hands, I dialed the emergency number, my voice barely stendu as I called the police.

You:"Mom just committed suicide in front of me! I... I don't know what to do.. there's so much blood... I'm scared of blood... Please, help!"

I sobbed uncontrollably into the phone, my eyes fixed on the rug stained crimson where my mom lay lifeless.
They arrived swiftly and escorted me out of the house, shielding me from the sight of her lifeless, pitiful form.

~ after a couple minutes ~

Police:" I'm sorry, but there's nothing more we can do... she's gone,"

The police officer said gently, kneeling down to speak to Y/n at eye level.
I looked down at the ground, tears streaming down my face, and nodded while trembling with sadness over my mother's death.

Oh, if they only knew it was all an act.

The police assured me they could keep me safe at the station and help me become stronger so I could protect myself. Despite their efforts, none of it seemed to make a difference, and after a few months, I simply gave up.
Seeing my persistent lack of motivation to follow their advice, the police decided it was best for me to be put in an orphanage.

[ Fragments of Affection ] Chuuya Nakahara x reader REWRITTENWhere stories live. Discover now