~ smiles ~

45 5 2

Please point out any mistakes, I'll be editing it once it's finished :)

Unlike the normal sunny Paris day, it was raining.

The thick grey clouds hovered above the people, flooding their heads with wary thoughts. Everyone seemed drained, almost as if they were fast asleep. They walked aimlessly around the city, looking for warmth and shelter.

And luckily for them, the Dupain bakery was just around the corner.

The family had been busy serving countless customers, and knowing that their daughter was clumsy, her parents had put her in charge of orders at the cashier.

She had dealt with both kind customers, and rude ones.

"Morning Sir, how can I help?" The bluenette said looking up from behind the counter.

"Just a chocolate muffin, make it a take away."  His figure was almost drooping forwards, he must have got close to no amount of sleep. Seeing this as an opportunity to help, Marinette made a addition in his order.

Stepping away from the counter, she headed into the kitchen, grabbing his requested muffin, and a fresh cup of coffee.

"Here you go, enjoy the rest of your day." Smiling, She handed the items to the man. It took him a while to register the warm drink in his hand, he made his way back to the front of the line, frowning.

"Sorry, but I didn't order this." He put the warm beverage back onto the table.

"It's on the house, no charge."

He looked up at her smiling for the first time that day,

"Thank you Miss." and with that he walked out the door, wearing a thankful expression on his face.

Now the next person in the line was anything but thankful, she was actually quite the opposite.

"I have no time for lowlifes like you people, but every other café is closed, so I guess this will have to do. I'll take three hot chocolates, two fresh doughnuts, and twelve macaroons." She flicked her hair, almost hitting Marinette in the face. But this did not change her happy mode whatsoever.

"Sure thing Chloe, that will be twenty two dollars."

The look on the blondes face was priceless, she was both shocked and confused. Not in ten years has anyone talked to her so kindly, other than her father and Adrien of course. Maybe she wasn't as cruel as she looked.

"Well- I um. Ugh, never mind just take this and I'll be gone." She handed over the notes of money and walked out the door with her order smiling, well close enough to it.

The rest of the day went by, they ordered, she served. She even got a good amount of tips, maybe enough for new fabric for her designs.

Even if the world wasn't as green or blue, she took every opportunity to help those in need, even if they had been mean to her.

Closing up the shop, she went up stairs to her room to find a chat noir tapping at her window.

How peculiar.

Thank you for reading
(Word count)

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