Chapter 2

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I wake up the next morning and Lisa is already up and getting dressed so I head to the bathroom to brush my teeth. They're two guys a girl in there, as I brush my teeth I see on of the guys staring at butt in the mirror. It makes me feel awkward so I brush faster and leave the bathroom. In the room Lisa is on the bed on her phone. I put some jean shorts that barely reach my mid thigh and a white tee shirt that says I woke up like this. Then I pulled my hair back into a ponytail and me and Lisa leave the room. When we reached Lisa's car, we get in and head to the outlet mall

"I still can't believe your mom had your car flown out from California"

"Me either"

We go to about 9 different stores before returning back to campus. We head to the NYU spirit shop to get some school tee shirts and hoodies. When we walk in there is purple everywhere. "Hi, welcome to Bob cat spirit shop" the clerk says with a smile. She is a young girl with long curly blonde hair and blue eyes. Maybe they hire students here, I do need a job. I'll ask when we check out. Lisa and I head towards the hoodies when I feel a vibration in pocket. I pull out my phone, I have a text from Ashton

Ash - Hey baby,

Me - Hey how was orientation

Ash - Great. How's shopping going

Just as I'm about to reply I am knocked to the ground. When I look up and there is a guy with deep blue eyes and blonde her is hovering over me.

"Oh shit, my bad mama" he says extending his hand to help me up. I accept his gesture and he pulls me to my feet.

"Its okay" I reply dusting myself off. He bends down and grabs my phone then hands it to me "Thanks" I give him a warm smile.

He looks me up and down and licks his lip before whispering "Damn".

"Excuse me?" I ask unsure of what he said


"You said something"

"No I didn't, but anyways my name is Jaxon but I go by Jax" He grabs my hand and kisses it. I jerk my hand from his grasp.

"Well hi Jax, my name is Vanessa but I go by Nessa" Lisa walks up at the perfect time

"Okay I found both of our sizes, oh who's this"

"Um Lisa this is Jax, Jax this is my friend and roommate Lisa" They exchange hello's and hand shakes. Jax turns back to me

"So Nessa what's your major"

"Cinematography and Film Production"

"No way, Me too. So you must be new because I've never seen you in class"

"Yea I'm a freshman. I start Monday" the cashier inturpts our conversation

"Get back to work Jaxon!" She yells across the store. "Okay!" Jax yells back then turns to me.

"I guess that's my cue, see you Monday" he picks up a box of tee shirts and disappears behind a door marked employees only. Lisa and I walk to the cash register and check out, Lisa opens the door. "Oh I almost forgot" I run back to the register.

"Yes may I help you"

"Yea I was wondering if you guys were hiring here"

"Yes we are, just fill out this application and bring it back"

"Okay thank you" I walk to the door and leave the store. Lisa is sitting on a bench

"What's that"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2014 ⏰

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