The Balcony Girl

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This one-shot is just an attempt from my side to write something different, so pardon me if you don't like it.

published » 10 july 2020
word count » 3062

The room was drowned in darkness, the absence of light had him shaking but it wasn't the fear. It was never the fear because darkness never scared him.

He laid on his bed with his eyes wide open and stared at the ceiling. He had nothing left in his life to live for. All that was, has gone leaving him weak and numb.

He could still hear her giggles and laugh but that only made him more insane. He could still feel her around him yet she was so far that he couldn't even see or touch her.

He tried, tried taking his own life to be with her but every time he did so, he was saved. It felt like she wanted him to live but how could he, without her?

He sat up abruptly as their last memory flashed infront of him.

She made faces as her body hurt from holding the same pose for more than ten minutes. He stopped his work and gave her a look which made her sigh.

"What? Do I look like a statue to you? Dammit do your work fast, I want to move Manik." She whined and he chuckled wanting to flick her nose but he concentrated on his work knowing it was difficult to sit in the same position for more than two minutes.

Another five minutes and she gave up as she stood up and breathed in relief stretching her arms.

"Alisha!" He yelled but there was humour in his voice. She stuck out her tongue at him and ran away as he advanced towards her.

She giggled running around and he chased her but his heart was pounding as well because they were at a cliff and she was running carelessly.

"Alisha enough, don't run away from me." He warned but she was still teasing him. She kept stepping backwards unaware of the dead end.

"Alisha watch out!" He yelled but it was too late because her foot slipped and she lost her balance. With a scream she fell off of the cliff while he stood on his place shocked and numb.

He gasped for air as tears streamed down his face. She was gone and it was entirely his fault. He shouldn't have taken her to that cliff, he shouldn't have chased her, he shouldn't have just stood there and watched. But he did.

He met Alisha three months ago, at an auction of his paintings. He was attracted to her and she had been too which lead them to dating in a few weeks. From then his life had been filled with happiness and he didn't ask for anything more.

She was slowly becoming his everything but that one dreadful accident and she was snatched away from him.

He didn't realise he had been crying until felt the tears fall on his hand. His hands shook, breathing laboured, bloodshot eyes. He probably looked old and haggard but he didn't care.

Without waiting for another moment he leaned backwards to lay back on the plush mattress again but a sound rather a sob surprisingly had him frozen.

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